King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


S C R IP T U R E T E X T C A L E N D A R It h a s b eau ty —th irtee n full- co lo r religious p a i n t i n g s of su ita b le s i z e fo r fram ing. F o u r t e e n p ag es— 9Vé x 1 S3A inches—r of usefulness a n d b eau ty . IMPORTANT FEATURES Brief stories of the pictures— Daily Scripture quotations— Sched­ ule showing how to read the Bible through in a year— Golden Texts for Sunday School lessons— Flower and Birthstone of the month— Preceding and following month date pads— Phases of the moon, etc. This Beautiful Calendar Sent Free W IT H A SUBSCRIPTION TO The Kings Business AT THE REGULAR RATE OF $1.50 IN U. S. The M agazine an d C alen d ar m ay be sen t to d ifferen t ad dresses if desired.


A ^DUirrfttl Sirin nf JEttItgljtPtting iSonka

3 ö ra l (Christman (Sifts

By Sydney D. W atso n In th e Tw inkling of A n Eye The M ark of th e Beast • Scarlet and P urple $1.75 each G ripping S t o r i e s w o v e n a ro u n d th e Becojid c o m i li g of C hrist.

Send $ 5 .0 0 AND FOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE KING'S BUSINESS AND WE WILL SEND YOU ANY ONE OF THESE BOOKS 25c e x tra for each su b sc rip tio n o u tsid e of U nited S ta te s a n d P o ssessio n s. The K ing ’s Bu s i n e s s 536 So. H ope St., L os A ngeles, C alif. my Bible after the evening meal, and never to read any other book but the Bible on the Sabbath. I do not exclude real Bible helps which always drive one back to the Bible, but I never spend time simply on devo­ tional books. Since making this resolution, God in His mercy has shown me that His Word is an inexhaustible storehouse, from which He dispenses rich stores of precious truths to His servants as He pleases, and as they are ready to receive them. —H oward A. K elly . It is so sweet to trust Thy Word alone; I da not ask to see The unveiling of Thy ;purpose, or the shining Of future light on mysteries untwining. Thy promise roll is all my own, Thy Word is enough for me! “So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work’’ (Neh. 4:6). Thank God every morning that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work to do your best will breed in you a hundred virtues which the idle never know.— C harles K ingsley . We find in Scripture that most of the great appearances which were made to eminent saints were made when they were busy. Moses is keeping his father’s flock when he sees the burning bush; Josh­ ua is going round about the city of Jericho —F rances R idley H avergal . DECEMBER 24

T he Tem ple L ight B y Rev. G. B ay ard Y oung

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U nder W hose Wings

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Stream s in th e D esert

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when he meets the angel of the Lord; Jacob is in prayer when the angel of God appears' to him; Gideon is threshing, and Elisha is ploughing, when the l-ord calls them; Matthew is at the receipt of custom when he is bidden, to follow JesusK and James and John are fishing. The Almighty Lover of the souls of men is not wont to manifest Himself to idle persons. He who is slothful and inactive cannot expect to have the sweet company of the Saviour, —G leanings for the Y oung . DECEMBER 25 "I am come that they might have life" (John 10:10). The Christ of Christmas comes in the midst of our dying Decembers, bringing the message of resurrection and life. In the days of His flesh, He proved His power and vindicated His title. He raised the dead. Once He did it shortly after decease had taken place; on another occa­ sion, He turned a funeral procession into a festival pageant, and thé youth who was to be buried walked home; a third time, He rifled the tomb, calling its inmate to life, and the man came forth. But His greatest res­ urrection was His own ; in it He proved Himself stronger than the strong. Death, that in the thinking of men had been a terminus, He revealed as a thoroughfare, through which the soul of man passes on its way to other existences. Here, in the twilight, a man lays down his work ; else­ where, in the dawning, he resumes his task . . . Christ came into the world for the recovery and restoration of men. He came in the dying days of man’s December to

felt by all the blessed, when their conquests shall be complete in heaven; when death itself, the last of foes, shall be slain; when Satan shall be dragged captive at the cha­ riot wheels of Christ; when the great shout of universal victory shall rise from the hearts of all the redeemed! What a moment of pleasure shall that be! Something of the joy of victory we know even here. Have you ever struggled against an evil heart, and at last overcome it? Have you ever wrestled hard with a strong temptation, and known what it was to sing with thankfulness, “When I said my feet slipped, thy mercy, O Lord, held me up” ? Have'you, like Bunyan’s Chris­ tian, fought with Apollyon, and after a fierce contest, put him to flight? Then you have had a foretaste of the heavenly tri­ umph—just an imagining of what the ul­ timate victory will be. God gives you these partial triumphs, that they may be earnests of the future. Go on and conquer* and let each conquest, though a harder one, and more strenuously contested, be to you as a pledge ot the victory of heaven. —C. H. S purgeon . DECEMBER 23 "As neivborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the work, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2:2). I found long ago that as I allowed the pressure of professional and worldly en­ gagements to fill in every moment between rising and going to bed, the spirit would surely starve. So I made a rule, which I have since stuck to ih spite of many temp­ tations, not to read or study anything but

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