King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s , B u s i n é s s

patience the race set before you, looking unto Jesus,” the author of your faith, “lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” — A l ex a n d e r M a c l a r e n . JANUARY 6 • "To give unto them beauty for ashes" (Isa. 61:3). “Beauty for ashes.” When the world is gray, .. And twilight settles on the brooding heart, Out of life’s loneliness I hear Him say, “And I will give you beauty for your part— Beauty for ashes,” Heart, lean low and blow The scattered ashes of regret aside, Fling wide the windows of the soul, fof,' lb, He comes in grace and .beauty to abide. “Beauty for ashes”—-ashes of the world, The pain, the disappointment, and ;the loss, All, all, into oblivion are hurled When beauty lights its beacon at the cross. Lord, take the ashes of my,life and give To me Thyself—the beauty that shall live. : v.v £ / ¿ ^ S elected . JANUARY 1 "He that winneth souls is1wise” (Prov. 11:30).

and a cry within, you take that which God offers. Not human effort, not wrestling faith, but resting faith: that is the secret. |—B ishop T aylor S mith . JANUARY S "They that wait upon the Lord . . . shall mount up . . . shall run and not be weary . . . shall walk and not faint” (Isa.40:3i). There are three forms of unwearied strength lying ready for you, to take for your very own, if you like; /Strength to soar, strength to run, strength to walk. Strength to soar means the gracious power of bringing all heaven into our grasp, and setting our affections on things above . . . Again, you may have strength to run—that is to say, there is power waiting for you for all the great crises'of your lives which call for special, though it may be brief, ex­ ertion. Such crises will come to each of you, in sorrow, work, difficulty, hard con­ flicts. Though it may be with panting lungs and a throbbing heart, and dim eyes and quivering muscles, yet if you wait on the Lord, you will run and not be weary. You will be masters of the crises. Strength to walk may be yours—that is to say, patient power for persistent pursuit of weary, mo­ notonous duty. That is the hardest, and so it comes last. There is nothing to be done except by plodding doggedly along the dusty road of trivial,duties, unhelped by excitement, and unwearied, by monotony. Only one thing will conquer the disgust at the wearisome found of mill-horse tasks, and that is, to do them in the might and for the sake of the dear Lord. “Run with

For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much.” '■■ X —A ndrew B onar . JANUARY 3 “Put on therefore, as God’s elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion” (Col. 3:12, R. V.). . Here is a true principle—the gospel of a broken heart demands the ministry of bleeding hearts. If that succession be broken, we.lose our fellowship with the King. As soon as we cease to bleed, we Cease to bless. When our sympathy loses its pang, we can no longer be the servants of the Passion; we no longer “fill up” the sufferings of Christ, and not to “fill up” is to paralyze, and to make the cross of Christ of none effect. Tearless hearts can nevCr be heralds of the Passion. We must pity if we are to redeem. “Put on therefore, as God’s elect, a heart of compassion.” —J. H. JoWETT. JANUARY 4 ! "There wrestled a man with him until the breaking of (he day” (Gen. 32:24). You will never gain peace or rest, or any of the fruits of the Spirit by your own ef­ fort. Jacob might have had the blessing in the twilight of the evening instead of the twilight of the next morning. Don’t you be foolish and think you must, struggle all night to be blessed. Others have made that mistake. If there is a controversy, it is the Lord who is struggling with you to bring you; down to that simplicity and childlike obedience, as, with an empty hand without,

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NOTE— E ach m ag azin e w ill be m ailed to su b sc rib ­ ers d ire c t from its ow n office of p u b licatio n . P o s t­ ag e e x tra to C anada— The K ing’s B usiness, 25 c en ts; The Illu stra to r, 12 cen ts. F oreign— T h e K ing’s B usiness, 25 c e n ts; T he Illu stra to r, 24 cen ts. . M ake re m itta n c e s in m oney o rd e rs o r c u rren cy (re g iste re d ). L ocal checks n o t u sab le. A d d ress o rd ers to e ith e r office. THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 S o u th H ope S t. L os A ngeles, C alifornia THE ILLUSTRATOR 158 F ifth A venue N ew Y ork C ity

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