King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Individual Cups OrdeiaTHOMASCOOTroKION SERVICE for your Church. Prices low. Sure to please. Tray & 36 beat glasses ft Cover $8.90. Glasses $1.00 doz. Waxed paper cups 60 cts. per 100. Collection * Bread Plates. Newstyle 8-cup Pastor’s Serwce 6 x 6 .Non- Tarnishing Pewter Fittings $12.76. FOLDER FREE. ____ _ hawb , a iiuii nuin SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T h is is b ein g done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E v an g elists a n d B ible W om en w ho a re being su p p o rte d fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a y e ar. W rite Rev. H . A. B arto n , Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free lite ra tu re . or South, and the gentle dew will certainly not descend. Is it not so spiritually also? Let the hot wind of temper rise, or the cold blasts of envy, selfishness, or pride spring up, or the blighting and withering gales of contention prevail, and we shall look in vain for the dew. God anticipates all the circumstances in which His people may be placed, and all the experience that can pos­ sibly be theirs.—J. T. W. JANUARY 12 "He that believeth on me, as the scrip­ ture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7 :38, R. V.). There is a fine old mountain in Wales called Plinlimmon. For ages he has been drinking from every cloud that has settled upon his head, until he has become a great reservoir, and from him today there flow five rivers. If we drink from the Invisible and Eternal, there will flow from us rivers of blessing, fertilizing, gladdening, and blessing all around. But if we fail to hold communion with the skies, _we shall be guilty of the mockery which holds an empty vessel to the lips of a thirsty man. “Thou must be true thyself if thou the truth would’st teach; Thy soul must overflow, if thou another soul would’st reach; It needs the overflow of heart to give the lips full speech.” —J. G regory M antle . JANUARY 13 "I will wait for the God of my salva­ tion" (Micah 7 :7). Such is not the sentiment of the slug­ gard. We do not gather from these words that we are to close our eyes, fold our arms, and grow miserably indefinite, lazy, and unconcerned. Real waiting upon the Lord is a tremendously active thing. It means that one must gird oneself, stand upon his tower, and watch. The world in which we live has voted against this active inactivity. The crazy, now almost universal, rush is opposed to it. Much of the present-day preaching sets it at naught, while a long-suffering God is waiting to see His children wait. To be sure, you may put forth your futile effort to hurry the development of the flower; you may tear open the leaves of the beautiful and soon-to-be more beau­ tiful rose, but what have you accomplish­ ed ? Make haste with the divine effort if you will, but bear this in mind, God will never be hurried. The heavenly timepiece is in good running order; it never is too fast and never behind time. They work best who wait most.—A. W. R offe .


The New 1932 Solo and Duet Book that has a section of Wonderful Trios, and Children's Solos 224 pages. 90% new material. Scripturally sound. Price $1.25 per copy Five copies for quartette work: $5.75 Address Orders to HERBERT G . TOVEY

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4940 College View Ave.,



Los Angeles, Calif.


A t all B ooksellers Send fo r C irc u la r of B ible Q uestions OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 114 Fifth Ave., New Y ork

PROPHECY Keith L. Brooks' monthly Book of facts matched with prophetic quotations. Correspondents in fifty lands. V i t a l information. THRILL IN EVERY PAGE! $1 year— Single Copy, ten Ic stamps 2003 Addison Way : LOS ANGELES foMMUNiON W are of Q uality ^ f r I n Aluminum or Silver Plate BEST MATERIALS-LOWESTPRICES 3 FINEST WORKMANSHIP P« Sendfo r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICELO. ROOM 360 1701-03 CHESTNUT STREET, P H ILA D E LP H IA S 5000 WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. S e n d f o r F r e e C a ta lo g a n d P r ic e L is t G E O R G E W . N O B L E , P U B L IS H E R Dept. No. 7C, Motion Bldg., Chicago, III.

“The Fundamental Minister” One d o llar p e r y e ar, sam p le copy ten cen ts. T his m agazine is th e official organ^.of “T he F u n d am en tal M inisterial A ss’n .” w i# r h e ad ­ q u a rte rs a t 164 M aple Ave., W ebsjter^C royes, Mo. T h is is an in te rn a tio n a l in terd en o m in a­ tional a sso c iatio n of m in isters. For in fo rm a­ tio n in reg ard to joining a n d receiving cred en ­ tials w ith th is a sso c iatio n w rite h e ad q u a rters. C h u r c h f u r n it u r e Everythingfor Churchand SundaySchool i n . FromFactorytoYou.Finecatalogfree.‘ DeMoulln Bros* & Co« 1 1 5 1 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois

Your Last Opportunity To obtain two Enrollments for the price of one in HOME BIBLE STUDY COURSES (See ad on page 523, November issue) Courses in B ibl e Doctrine, Synthesis, Geography, His­ tory, Gospels, Acts, Church Epistles, Personal Work, etc. Fees as Low as $1.00 G U in s t m a a ( l i f t Enroll your friends as students in these Fascinating and Profitable Courses. A G ift that will be ap­ preciated throughout the year. ENROLL THIS YEAR — S T U DY N E X T Enroll Now—Take Advantage of the Special Half-Price Offer. Study the courses selected later-r- A t Your Convenience. U SE COUPON ON CO NTENTS PAGE Correspondence School Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

WH ITE PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS F a c to ry ru n s full tim e— th e re ’s a reaso n— A ll sizes. Free catalo g u e a n d sp e­ cial prices. A . L . W H IT E MFG. CO. Dept. K., 215 Englewood Ave., CHICAGO, ILL.

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