Legacy Reporting 2023

connecting with regional adoptees in the Minnesota Arrowhead. And we speak with Khayman Goodsky, an indigenous and two-spirit person with a passion for filmmaking. Goodsky sits down to discuss artistic aims and the importance of mentoring. Twin Ports APIDA Collective: This episode of Intersections focuses on the Twin Ports APIDA Collective (TPAC), how the group came into being, the advocacy work they are involved with, and finally documenting their exhibit at the Duluth Art Institute this Spring of 2022. TPAC members Julia Cheng, Pakou Ly, Sharon Yung, and others discuss what it's like living in the Northland as a member of the BIPOC community. Al Sands, Meredith Kujala, and Serrano Robinson : In this episode of Intersections meet Al Sands, a boxer, and youth advocate. Meredith Kujala, a disability advocate, and animal caretaker, and Serrano Robinson an active youth mentor. Food Deserts: What is a food desert? Meet people who are affected by living in a food desert, with very limited access to healthy food. How are some communities dealing with this issue? Carla Hamilton, Anja Chávez, and Classie Dudley: Carla Hamilton is an artist and activist in Duluth, MN. She shares with us her passions, projects, and process for creating meaningful art. As Director of the Tweed Museum of Art, Anja Chávez works to celebrate inclusion and diversity and reshapes how communities and their museums can co-exist. Classie Dudley is the President of the Duluth NAACP.

THE REGION’S STORYTELLERS Event Date: September 15, 2022

3 Zoom Workshops 1 Broadcast Episode 1 Live Event 1 Promo

DESCRIPTION: Professional Minnesota storytellers, Kevin Kling and Mary Jo Pehl, worked with local community members to find ways to tell their personal stories. Kevin and Mary Jo provided new tools to tap into their imagination and use language and expression to connect more deeply with audience. At our event, recorded for a broadcast special, Kevin, Mary Jo, and our local participants treated the audience to an evening of incredible storytelling with music by Gaelynn Lea. IMPACT: Our goal for this project was to give community members the unique opportunity to hone their storytelling skills through the guidance of celebrated Minnesotan storytellers. We, as a station, consider ourselves this region’s storytellers and we strive to give opportunity to our friends and neighbors to allow them to be the voice behind their own stories. Participants in the workshop and performance explained the impact this event had on them… “Being able to work with Kevin Kling and Mary Jo Pehl was a dream come true for me as I have been a fan of their work for years. The guidance, wisdom, and encouragement I received from both of them helped me immeasurably as an artist…The Region’s Storytellers workshop and live event were invaluable to me as a Duluth artist. I am so grateful for the opportunity to take part in it and to continue to explore more stories within me that I can share with audiences!” – Brian Matuszak


LEGACY REPORTING: JULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 2022


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