Small Business Directory

Dear Neighbor,

We’re thrilled to share this Small Business Directory with you and our entire community. Our intention for this project is to support local businesses by creating a resource that makes it easy to find and buy from Bay Area businesses we know well. Locally, Bay Area small businesses circulate three times more money back into our local economy than corpora- tions or national chains*. What’s more, small businesses contribute to the vibrancy, diversity and unique character of the Bay Area communities we all call home. When small businesses thrive, that impact ripples out- ward, spurring local job creation and innovation while also fostering entrepreneurship among women, minori- ties, veterans and other underrepresented groups. They are the heart of many relationships and opportunities. As a local family-owned company ourselves, we also understand how challenging it is to stand out in crowded markets or compete with the big brands. We are proud to

partner with many great local businesses, and we want to see them succeed.

It’s up to all of us to help small businesses thrive and to encourage new locally owned shops, restaurants, services and more to open. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to shop locally. Look to our Small Business Directory to find local family-owned businesses across the Bay Area, and be sure to share it with neighbors, family and friends. We’re proud Fremont Bank is known as the Bay Area’s community bank. With your support, we can continue to keep our dollars local and build success in our community.

In partnership, Andy Mastorakis President & CEO, Fremont Bank

* From ProjectEquity

Our lawyers wanted us to tell you this: In compiling and distributing this Directory, Fremont Bank provides no warranties of any kind (express or implied) concerning the goods or services provided by the individuals and entities listed in this Directory. This includes a disclaimer of any and all warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular use. Inclusion in this Directory does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the business, its operators, its industry, nor any views that may be expressed or implied by the business. With that said, we trust you will find this directory useful. • 800-359-BANK(2265) • We accept relay calls.

Equal Housing Lender | Member FDIC | NMLS #478471 | LCOM-0596-1023

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