
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — February 28 - March 12, 2020 — 17B


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

UEENS, NY — Re- sponding to the needs of space constrained Knock-Down (KD) Door Perfect for Space Constrained Jobsites, Stocking Dealers Crystal Windows offers new KD Vinyl Sliding Patio Door Q

6-ft. sizes and, with standard glazing, is stocked by Crystal for immediate availability. “Crystal developed this product in response to our trade customers’ requests. They were seeking an afford- able vinyl patio door in a KD configuration suitable for job- sites challenged by small el- evators, cramped staircases, narrow halls, and tight door- ways,” said Blaise Beneven- ga , Crystal’s New Jersey/New England sales manager. “We are very pleased the Crystal KD Series 1100 Patio Door meets all those requirements and more at a very competi-

tive price.” The extruded white vinyl Crystal KDSeries 1100 comes with complete assembly hard- ware and instructions. The patio door disassembled mas- ter frame, factory glazed sash panels, and insect screen are all packaged separately for space saving storage and easy handling. The KD product can be readily moved and loaded for transport by one person rather than the team effort required for a standard patio door. The Crystal KD Series 1100 is applicable to a variety of building ap- plications including private

homes, townhouses, garden apartments, and multi-fam- ily buildings. It is also the perfect solution for stocking window, door, and building product dealer/distributors with cramped and limited space warehouses. The Crystal KD Series 1100 patio door, available in either 5’ or 6’ widths by 6’-8” tall (nominal) sizes, features a 4-⅝” frame depth. While the knock-down master frame is mechanically fastened, the operating and fixed sash panels have fusion welded mitered joints and are factory glazed. 

job sites and stocking dealer/ distributors, Crystal Win- dow & Door Systems an- nounced its new Series CVP- 1100 Knock-Down (KD) Vinyl Sliding Patio Door. With its welded-corner factory glazed sash panels and mechani- cally fastened master frame ready for job-site assembly, the Crystal Series 1100 offers fenestration and construction professionals easy handling, transport, storage, stocking, continued from page 16B push of untested technologies by senior management, today the most effective conversions begin with a bottom-up ap- proach that engages day-to-day users and builds upon their ex- periences and insights to create operational shortcuts, instills programming efficiencies and fixes broken processes. This starts with the development of a planning team that thorough- ly understands organizational needs and generates company- wide excitement, while dealing with any concerns or disrup- tions along the way. Simply put, today’s high-end implementations are no longer the painful, time-consuming and disruptive adventures that many construction and develop- ment companies were subjected to years ago. Most of today’s applications readily merge with legacy systems to provide wide- spread systemic efficiencies and the instantaneous access to accurate, up-to-date client, project and management infor- mation from a single, digitized location. The key is in the planning and ability to strategically and logi- cally expand and comport to the growing needs of organizations operating in an ever-changing marketplace. For construction contractors and developers, this often entails working side by side with trusted partners to create solutions that fix glaring weaknesses first and then sys- tematically roll out a succession of enhancements that reduce cost and waste, build employee confidence, and prepare for the next growth stage. Michael Mullin is presi- dent of Integrated Busi- ness Systems (IBS) in Totowa, NJ.  Technology Adoption: Is it . . .

and installation, all at a great value. The KD Series 1100 comes in standard 5-ft. and Series 1100 Knock-Down (KD) Vinyl Sliding Patio Door

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