King's Business - 1939-11


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1939

LESSON COMMENTARY [Continued from Page;' 427]

waldsen was greatly disappointed, but went to work again, and again brought in his little friend, and asked her who it was. She said, “It is ‘Suffer little children to come unto me,’ ” and Thorwaldsen was satisfied. A traveler looking at the statue in the church at Copenhagen one day ex­ pressed his disappointment, and was overheard by a little girl who told him, “You must go up closef‘kneel down, and look up into His face.”—Selected. MEMORY VERSE: “My little chil­ dren, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). APPROACH: Our story last week was about the time the Lord Jesus sent out His helpers to tell people about Him. They were to go to the Jewish people to tell them the king­ dom erf heaven was at hand. Jesus gave His disciples power to do m i r a c l e s vhich would help he people to know hat what they sstid (was a g r e a t and wonderful truth, but the sad thing is that even then very few people believed, tf LESSON STORY: Jesus knew that this would be so. He was the rightful King of the Jews, and He could have stayed with them and ruled over them, hut they wouldn’t believe and receive Him. Even the followers of the great John the Baptist were not sure that He was the Promised One. How sorry Jesus must have been at their slowness to believe! He said something like this: “The people of this age are like the children in the market place p l a y i n g their games. The children play a tune, and nobody will dance to It. They pla^y a sad song and no one will cry. John came to you fasting, and you would not believe what he said. I come to you eating and drinking, and you will not listen to Me.” Then Jesus told the people how fool­ ish they were. They had seen all of the mighty works which the Son of God had done, and still these Jews would not take Him as their King and Deliverer. So it was that Jesus called to Him those who would come, not only Jews, but also people of every nation. “Come unto me . . .” He said, “and I will give you rest,” This is what He says to you and to me, too. Object Lesson R eceiving the B est G ift OBJECTS: A dollar and a penny. LESSON?”If I were to give you your A Game Jesus Watched M atthew 11 and 12

into Greeting Ì

the decisions have been made. We can­ not reconcile divine sovereignty with human responsibility, and we dare not explain either one of them away, but we can keep them in the right order in our preaching. 4. But notice that after His reflec­ tion upon the complete sovereignty of the Father in what has been done, He closes with one more and final offer to sinners: Even while we are overwhelmed , by the unfathomable mystery of the di­ vine will, we hear Him saying, “Come unto me, All ye that labor and are heavy laden, aria I will give you rest” (v. 28). And this, I think, is intended to teaclr us that divine sovereignty shuts no man out of the kingdom of God. The door is open as wide as an infinite God can throw it. If you enter through the door and enjoy eternal life, you will be glad to yield all the credit to a sovereign Lord. But if you remain outside the city, you will have no one to blame but yourself. Divine sovereignty will bring a great host of saved souls through the open door, but it .keeps no one out. If you find yourself outside at last, it will be because you have de­ liberately chosen death rather than life. There is a real election unto life, not to be explained away as a mere fore­ knowing of what men will do, but there is no election unto death. If all this seems to be a hard saying, too difficult for human reason to'com­ prehend, let us not complain against God. Let us rather trustingly pray, as our Lord prayed, “Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight” (v. 26).

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Golden Text Illustration M atthew ll':28-30 '

It is said that when Thorwaldsen had finished his statue, “Christus Consola­ tor,” he showed it first to a little girl of whom he was very fond, and asked her who it was. She said, “Some great man.” Thor-

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