King's Business - 1939-11


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1939

with each other for hundreds of years. Into that area came a missionary and proclaimed Christ there, and eventually these two tribes became Christian. The two tribes held a convention. They sealed a compact of peace, and in that convention one man got up and looked round at the two tribes intermingling and living in peace together. He said, “The last time I came to you, I came with hatred in my heart, a Spear’ in my hand. Today I come to you with the love of God in my heart and a Bible in my hand.” From that day to this there has never been any war between those two tribes. This is the power of God transforming life.—Prebendary W. Wil­ son Cash, in Keswick Calendar. Away in a Manger M atthew 1:18-25; 18:1-14; 19:13-15 MEMORY VERSE: Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2: 10,11). APPROACH: Tomorrow is the day years before the day came. You re­ member how, after Adam and Eve sinned and were driven from the Gar­ den of Eden, God promised a Saviour for their sins. This was to be God’s own Son who should come to this world to live and die and risg again that those/who believe in Him might have everlasting life, too. The prophets of the Old Testament told us many things about the coming of Jesus. He was to be born in Bethle­ hem, and wise men should come to wor­ ship Him, and yet many to whom He came would not receive Him. And all of these things took place just as the Bible said that they should. Isn’t it sad that although God kept all of His promises, still many people would not take the wonderful Gift that He gave them? We learn about the Lord Jesus from the words that we read in the Bible; we learn to love Him when we know what He did for us, and we do what He tells us because when we love a person dearly, we wish to please that one. 5-Division on which we cele­ brate Christ’s com­ ing to earth. Can you tell me some of the things that the Bible tells us about that day? LESSON STORY: The coming of our L o r d Jesus Christ w a s promised b y God ma n y , many

or a John, sitting before the teacher. Let the teacher see to it that they each have free access to the Lord—“suffer” them to come, for of such is the king­ dom. It is not true that children cannot understand, nor appreciate, nor propa­ gate, the truth; these achievements are wrought, not by great intellectuality, but by great faith—and children have faith. Points and Problems 1. “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise” (Matt. 1:18). It is quite generally believed by devout schol­ ars that in this Matthew account of the Virgin Birth We have the story as it must have come from the lips of Joseph originally. In the Gospel of Luke it is also quite as certain that we have the story as Mary repeated it. From the human standpoint, Joseph and Mary were the only two people on earth who knew the facts of our Lord’s miracu­ lous conception and birth. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit Himself, as the divine Author of Scripture, has taken these two stories and placed the stamp of His approval upon them by incorporating them in the Word of God. Yet we are faced today with the shameful spectacle of so-called “scholars” supposing that they know more about what happened back there than did Joseph, or Mary, or even the .Holy Spirit of God! This may be scholarship of a sort, but it certainly is not Christian scholarship. 2. Mary was espoused to Joseph (v. 18). The English word “espoused” has come to mean marriage in modern speech. They were not married, but betrothed or engaged, which is precisely -what the Greek word means. The Re­ vised Version translates “betrothed.” Among the Jews of our Lord’s day, an engagement was not a light thing which might be broken off casually upon some slight pretext. Its nature was so sacred and binding that unfaithfulness on the part of either principal was regarded as an act of adultery. Under the Mosaic law the guilty party and paramour were put to death by stoning (Deut. 22: 23, 24). 3. “Then Joseph her husband” (v. 19). This might seem to contradict what has been said above. But the Greek word here t r a n s l a t e d “husband” means simply a “man,” and is so translated 156 times in the New Testament. 4. “Joseph, thou son of David” (v. 20). The form of address may have been intended to prepare Joseph for the rev­ elation that Mary was to be the mother of the great Messianic “Son of David” promised by the prophets^ And it was -necessary for him to marry the Virgin Mother in order to give the Son the legal inheritance rights to the Davidic throne. Golden Text Illustration I saiah 11:6 There were two tribes always at war

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