King's Business - 1939-11


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1939

your going about, preaching as you do, you are neglecting your business,” he declared. “If you only attended to your business more, you would be all right and would soon get on and prosper ; but as it is, you are simply neglecting your business.” “Neglecting my business?” said Ca­ rey, looking at him steadily. “My busi­ ness is to extend the kingdom of God, I only cobble shoes to pay expenses.” —Christian Herald. III. *A B lind M an ’ s N ew S ight ' A missionary physician in one of China’s hospitals cured a man of cata­ ract. ’ A few weeks later, forty-eight blind men, from one of China’s interior provinces, each holding on to a rope held in the hand of the man who had been cured, came to the hospital. Thus in a chain they had walked 250 miles to the doctor, and nearly all were cured. Does not this incident give a picture of our share in the missionary enter­ prise? The first blind man came to the physician, put his trust in him. received his sight, and then went out to lead others to him. If your Saviour has given you spiritual sight, what have you ever done for missions ? What would happen if all did their share?

BOOK MISSIONARIES WANTED T o s e ll M rs. C h a r le s E . C o w m a n ’s g r ^ a t tr i o o f d e v o tio n a l b o o k s ^ r_ S tream s in the' D esert— ......•— $1.50 ppd. CONSOLATION ....$1.50 ppd. SPRINGS IN T H E VALLEY... „..$1.50 ppd. Liberal Comm ission O riental M issionary Society, Publishers 900 N H obart Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. ASTHMA H A Ï- F E V E R — A B ritish M ission ary from India c o m p l e t e l y freed- of A sthm a 17 y e a rs a g o w ill be very p lea sed to sen d h e lp fu l in fo rm a tio n oh req u est. Mrs. K. Roberts^35 Roxboro St., W. Toronto, Canada Complete... HOME FURNISHERS Specializing in . .. P E R I O D BEDROOM SETS DINING and DINETTE SETS LIVING ROOM FURNITURE (new and used) Also popular makes Ranges - Refrigerators - Washers P h on e AL-0159 Busk Furniture & Storage Co. L ocal and S ta te w id e M oving BOBO IS F ig u ero a S treet, Los. A n geles

Just a Reminder Have you r e n ew e d your j subscription to THE KING’S j BUSINESS? We are sure ¡- you won’t want to miss a single issue —*especially at j the NEW LOW subscription j rate. 50c for ONE YEAR in U.S. j ________________ 1 missions lies strongly on the shoulders of those who remain at home. We must “send” if we do not “go.” Chief among the things we may do is to pray. We should offer constant, fervent, effectual prayer. “We cannot do more than pray until we pray, but we can do more than pray after we pray.” Mission study, generous giving, distribution of missionary literature, listening to missionary speakers who bring fresh reports from the field—all these are worth-while helps. “If we know, we grow; if we grow, we glow; if we glow, we go.” Our part is to keep, the home fires burning so that prayers, gifts, inter­ est, and love for our representatives on the field may give them true strengtn and courage. “We cannot tell how often as we pray For some bewildered one, hurt and dis-' tressed, The answer comes—but many times those hearts Find sudden peace and rest. Some one had prayed, and faith, a reaching hand, Took hold of Gpd and brought Him down that day!” Oh, let us pray! Helps for the Leader I. M aking I t P ersonal When Admiral Foote was in Siam, he invited the royal dignitaries to a dinner on his vessel. As soon as ' the guests were seated at the table, he, as was his invariable custom, asked a blessing Upon the food. The king, in surprise, said he thought only missionaries asked blessings. “True,” replied the Admiral quietly, “but every Christian is a missionary.” —Sunday School Chronicle. II. A D ifference of O pinion Before William Carey, the pioneer missionary to India, left England, a friend remonstrated with him because he took much time from his shoemaking to preach in neighboring villages. “By

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