King's Business - 1939-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1939

Fifteen Methods William M. Smith, the in­ structor in Homiletics in Union Bible Seminary has prepared a course of 20 lessons in Homiletics which will help you. Fifteen meth­ ods of outlining. are em­ ployed.

Art o f Sermon Building Mr. Smith also edits a weekly, called “The Gospel Minister" A sample, sent to a pastor in an eastern state, brought this response: “After reading your sample copy of the Gospel Minister, there is nothing else to do but send you a money order.” . A Sermon Outline Each Week Send $1.00 for the 20 lessons in Homiletics and the Gospel Minister for 6 months. Union Bible Seminary Dept. 386 Westfield, Indiana

Sample Outline "Thou wilt shew me the path of life.” Subject—The Journey of Life. The Pictorial Outline Method. 1 The Guide — “Thou”—Jesus a. Qualification — wise, kind. b. Experience—been over road.’ n The Traveler—“me” a. Must take the journey. b. Have not had experience, n i The Road—“path” a. One of many, lx Is a narrow road. IV The Destination—“life” a. Contrast with death. b. A delightful anticipation.

It is Germany and Russia that touch, join, and march. Adolf Hitler is now paying a price he did not expect to pay. He has suc­ ceeded in destroying his weak Polish neighbor, only by letting the great Rus­ sian bear build his lair on Germany’s hack doorstep. Tlie line of march to the Black Sea and on to “the navel of the earth” (Ezek. 38:12, R.V. margin) in the Hitleric dream, has become but a dream! Rumania now falls within the Russian sphere of influence. The German surrenders his hitherto undisputed stra­ tegic sphere of influence in Hungary. Yugoslavia is now free to resume her ancient ties with the Muscovite. Man proposes. God disposes. The Ger­ man will march with the Hun to the famous bone-pile in Palestine. The dic­ tators of earth shake their fists in the face of Omnipotence, only to have Om­ nipotence “laugh” (Psa. 2:4) and com­ mand them to move onward to fulfill their part on the divine program that shall set the King of Israel upon the “holy hill, of Zion” (Psa. 2:6). And when Omnipotence commands, the dic­ tators trot! Our God is still upon the throne of the universe! He is not plan­ ning to abdicate! God in His mercy has been giving prolonged opportunity for men to re­ ceive and obey His holy Son Jesus. He is “not willing that any should perish, hut that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). But when the nations de­ liberately reject Him and His rule, He must establish His authority over a re­ deemed earth. His victory is certain, and it will be on time. Praise ye the Lord! JU N IO R KING’S BUSINESS [ Continued from Page 424] New K. Y, B. C. Members T he fo llo w in g h a v e read th ro u g h th e G ospel accord in g1 to J oh n and are n o w m em bers o f th e K n o w Y our B ib le C lub: ALAM EDA , CALIF.: D ick C anepa; H elen G raet; A rthur K em a ly a n ; J u a n ita P erona: L o u ise Scott: and A lice M ay Y o u n g (W a l­ ter E . G raef, lea d er). , - , F GEEWOOD’ CALIF.: W in o n a Irw in (M rs. G. D u itsm a n , tea ch er). LA V E R N E , c a l i f .: C arol R o se U rban (M rs. W. U rban, te a c h e r). OCEAN BEA)CH, CALIF.: B e tty A nder­ son ; C n arlotte B en n ett: H elen C aldw ell- J a cq u ely n D a v is; and H a r r iett V an N a tta (M rs. E v a V au g h a n , te a c h e r). R E E D L E Y , CA L IF.: L ee A lv is; P a tricia B ord eseu ; E ld en B ow en ; Joel B u rn itzk i- P au l B y strom ; A n n a F a st: R ichard G ib! son ; P a u l Joh n son ; N orm a K liew er; John K oop; R o n n ie L a g erstrom ; W ilford L icon- W ilm a R e illy ; G abriel and Isa b el S e d illo : G race en d P a u l SJobet-g; D o ro th y , E lsie H arry, J oh n n ie, M artha, M ary, R ay, and R oy T h iesen ; D enm an W a lsto n : D anny and J u stin a W a rk en tin : B etty , B illy and L eo W h e a tle y : and H erb ert W h iteh o u se (R o sella T h iesen . le a d e r ). „ S A N T A ANA, CA L IF.: Ora M ae C onner; M ereleen GU lham ; L ela M ay and L ew is M eir; R ob ert P a tte r s o n ; E v ely n and L u ella R a th k e; B e tty E lle n and J ea n R ichardson (F a ith W ittm e i, le a d e r ). . SPOKANE, WASH.: H elen and J oyce H en d rick sen ; a n d E v a n g e lin e Sh ogren (M a rg a reta N ordlund, lea d er). T H U N D E R H AW K , S. DAK .: M arian H a g g e n (M rs. J am es A. G ray, lea d er).

1 Word 2 Phrase' 3 Verse 4 Chapter 5 Topical 6 Contrast

8 Synthetic 9 Pictorial 10 Narrative 11 Key-Word 12 Character

w 13..Biographical 1 Analytical 14 Expository 15 Cause and Effect

Bilhorn Folding O R G A N S

But, strangely enough, they are now the strongest advocates of his position on neutrality. Even Senator Glass, who has seldom found anything commenda­ tory in the New Deal program, had the warmest words of praise for the Presi­ dent’s recommendation of the lifting of the arms embargo.

World famous for "more than fifty years. Sweet tone. Astonishing Vol­ ume ; Durable ; Inexpen­ sive. Easily Carried. Suitable f o.r Missions, Camps, Schools, Homes, etc. Write for Folder. BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO. 1414 McLean Ave., Dept. K. Chicago, 111. Urgent Help Needed All Christian People: Y our u r g e n t p ra y erfu l h elp is needed to fin d tra n sp o rta tio n , hom es, food, c lo th e s fo r th e r e fu g e e s from th e co n ­ qu ered S la v co u n tries in E u rope . . . L et y o u r m o n ey do th e m o st g o o d by sa v in g th e liv e s o f te r ro r-strick en m en, w om en and ch ild ren w h o lo s t th eir h om es th ro u g h th e w a r . . . I f ev er y o u r h elp w a s needed, it is N OW !.Share y o u r T h a n k sg iv in g b l e s s i n g s w ith th o se in d istr e ss. . . Send im m ed ia tely y o u r k in d g ift s fo r r e lie f w o rk am o n g tn e p eo p le from th e w a r-zo n es to th e RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. M. N. F E T L E R , S ecreta ry 1844 W . M onroe St., R oom 2 C hicago, Illin o is Ask for free copies of i “The Friend of Russians” the New Dealers are dusting off the “Don’t change horses in the middle of a stream” slogan. It is not' suggested that the Presi­ dent is acquiescing in this scheme. But even though there may be a “cracking down” on financial profiteers, there is no evidence of a curbing of political profiteering. All observers know that the continu­ ance of the war will enormously en­ hance the third-term campaign. Even if the President declines to run, the New Deal chances will be greatly improved. There is a good campaign issue, even the Republicans admit, in the idea that if we are still out' of war in November, 1940, the party respon­ sible for that feat should be continued at the job. The war has also acted to heal the wounds within the Democratic party. The President’s severest critics have been the conservative Democratic Con­ gressmen and Senators from the South. VIEWS AND REVIEWS [Continued from Page 414]

THE GERMAN-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE [Continued from Page 415]

xtaly, however, was the very heart of the Roman Empire. Therefore, no alli­ ance of Italy with either Germany or .Russia can stand. An alliance between Italy, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, a n d two states out of the Balkans would be quite another matter. France and Eng­ land may yet be willing to pay the price of such an alliance “to save civilization” from the destruction that now threat­ ens. They have the price to pay. It lies at the gates of Ethiopia. They could pay a greater price. Perhaps quite soon they will be willing to pay the lesser. Anyway, the heart of this writer took an ,extra leap when he read the other day that Mussolini, for the sake of the world’s peace, proposed “a Mediterran­ ean bloc” to include Spain, Greece, Tur­ key, Yugoslavia a n d Bulgaria. The “bloc” Mussolini has back in his mind, we doubt not, is more extensive! Is it conceivable that Rome—devout, intensely religious, R o m a n Catholic Rome—can be made, even by the iron will of Mussolini, to enter into an alli­ ance with godless, atheistic, Bolshevistic Russia ? Never! On the face of it, Hit­ ler, by his alliance with Stalin, destroys the Rome-Berlin axis. The Penalty of Jew-Hate We were not in the least surprised to see Poland bleed, die, perish from the earth. Poland may have our American sympathy; but, let us not forget that Poland has been an archpersecutor of the Jew. As the Lord God of Israel still reigns, that record spelled Poland’s doom. Frederick the Great said: “No man [or nation] ever got good by persecut­ ing the Jews.” Hitler might profit by listening to a great voice from out a grave within the Fatherland. Poland is not seen within the prophetic picture.

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