King's Business - 1939-11


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November, 1939

In Service For Christ E leanor e . a l l e m a n , ’39, my teaching' in the Junior and Primary Departments, and after September 1, I am to be superintendent of the Sun­ day-school. Clifford Chaffee, president of the Class of ’35 at Biola, has been our supply pastor this summer, this coming Sunday being his last before returning to Princeton Seminary. The Lord has surely blessed his efforts. He was one of the speakers at a young people’s conference here. So far as" the leaders know, no young person who at­ tended left the conference unsaved.” : Jerold F.-May, ’39, has accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of San Dimas, Calif. Richard (’32) and Mrs. Jantzen (Ella Gimbel, ’32) have been living at 2076% A W ho le Y e a r for $ 1 .0 0 THB ILLUSTRATOR m a k es S u n d a y -sch o o l te a c h in g a p lea su re! W rite fo r Sam ples and Sp ecial In tro d u cto ry P r ic e s fo r Sunday S chools TH E ILLU STRATOR , M ye rstow n, P a . T h e T id y Hand Laund ry Cleaning and Tailoring E x p e rt P r e ss in g W h ile Y ou W a it 712 W. SIXTH ST. B etw ee n F lo w e r an d H op e Sts. L os A n g e le s C aliforn ia W e sp e cia lize in F ren ch W e a v in g

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE Regional Alumni Reunions E NCOURAGING to present workers at the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles is the growing tendency of Marvin (’32) and Mrs. Dirks and their son were scheduled to sail for China in September under the General Conference Mennonite Board. Anna Harder has been taking nurses’ training at the Bethel Deaconess Hos­ pital in Newton.

writes from her home in Port Angeles, Wash.: “I have had a wonderful time in my home church in

Biola graduates in distant localities to organize local alumni groups who meet for fellowship. At Newton, Kans., a company of about fifty persons met in August for a Biola reunion, under the leadership of Gus H. Regier, Jr., as president and Louise Entz, ’32, as secretary. Wilbert (B. Th. ’38) and Mrs. Regier (Ruth Welty, ’36), visiting Newton from Los Angeles, were special guests. An of­ fering was taken for the Institute. In August a Biola reunion was held in the home of Edna Lindenstruth, ’35, 1419 Broadway, Everett, Wash. The group included alumni, students about to return to school, and those who were entering this fall. After a social time, Gene Brickwedel, ’36, brought the de­ votional message. Those present in­ cluded: Esther Bekker; Peter Brash- ler, ’38; Gene and Mrs. Brickwedel (Bethel Breedlove); James Brown, B. Th. ’39; Margaret Chandler; Olive Gil­ liland; Don (’38) and Mrs. Kenney; Edna Lindenstruth, ’35; Edythe McKee, ’37; Mabel Pearson, ’39; George Pugh, and Gertrude Vandermeer. -A group of Biola students and former students met in August with Mar­ ian (’35) and Lawrence Peet in Escon­ dido, Calif. After a regular “B i o l a Home Night,” Earl F. Morgan, ’22, pas­ tor of the First Baptist Church in Es­ condido, led the devotions. Those pres­ ent were: Dorothy Anderson; Betty Barker; Lelia Bascom; Lois Calac; Al­ bert Chappell; H. Lewis (’31) and Mrs. Coates (Helen Rittenhouse); Mary Cres- well; David Dilworth; Kathryn Dodson, ’34; Kathryn Hood; Pat Major; Earl F. and Mrs. Morgan; Dean Nauman; Jen­ nie Pedersen, ’35; Marian and Lawrence Peet; Grace Robbins, ’34; Betty Jane Rogers; Evelyn and Dorothy (’36) Voth; Roberta Weber, and Virginia West­ moreland. Biola News from Kansas F ROM Louise Entz, ’32, of White- water, Kans., comes the follow­ ing information about former In­ in Kansas. Willard K. Claassen, ’32, was granted a Th. B. degree at the Southern Bap­ tist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., at the commencement exercises this spring. On July 23 he was ordained to the gospel ministry. He and Mrs. Claassen (Justena Harms, ’33) are now at Roaring Spring, Pa., where Mr. Claassen is to have charge of a Men­ nonite church.

Benjamin Hinkson, ’36, planned to en­ roll as a Junior at Sterling College, Sterling, Kans., this fall. He has had charge of a Baptist church at Hanston. Donovan Hinkson, ’34, was graduated from the Friends University at Wichita last spring. He has had charge of the Palmyra Baptist Church near White- water for a number of years. His ad­ dress is 2426 Rosenthal, Wichita, Kans. Betty Kinzie and Margaret Kliewer, ’35, have finished their nurses’ training at Bethel Deaconess Hospital, Newton, and have returned home to California. Miss Kliewer’s address is 1521 Lincoln St., Bakersfield, Calif. Magdaline Wiebe is engaged in city mission work in Kansas City under a Mennonite organization. Lester Wuthrich, ’36, has been or­ dained as a minister, and he and Mrs. Wuthrich (Agnes Harder) have planned to attend Bethel College, Newton, this year. They have been accepted under the General Conference Mennonite Board as missionaries to China. Mildred Zuercher has been teaching in the intermediate grades in a public school near Whitewater.

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stitute students who have .been living

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