King's Business - 1939-11

November, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The German-Russian Alliance

By LOUIS S. BAUMAN: Long Beach, California

"Four Horsemen" And Soviet Russia's Postage Stamp Six and a half years ago, Dr. Bauman called to the attention of KING’S BUSI­ NESS readers a significant s t a m p issued shortly before by the Soviet government. Because of its current im­ portance, the illustration, with part of Dr. Bauman’s comment, is reproduced on this page. “This special stamp was issued to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Bed army’s cavalry. We present herewith a picture made from one of these stamps. The flag carried by the leading horseman is blood red—the flag of Russia’s Bed army, and the emblem of world communism. The black line, apparently marking the pathways, is likewise red on the original' stamp—the red pathway of Gog. The designer of this stamp probably never read a line of the Apocalypse. Yet who, familiar with the Bible, can look upon this stamp and fail to think of the four famous horsemen of Revelation 6, starting forth on their ride to judgment and to death? These appear to be setting the world afire as théy ride. Note the Sea of Azov. They seem to be heading toward Pales­ tine. If these ride forth to the moun­ tains of Israel, they will ride forth never to return!” B NLY A few w e e k s ago, the world was shocked when Adolf Hitler reached out his grimy hand and grasped the gory paw of the Russian bear. But the firm believer in the "sure word of prophecy” was not surprised in'the least. He knew that, once again, the Word of God is being vindicated. All along their lines, the maddened nations are moving in the grooves the Spirit of God forecast cen­ turies ago for the wheels of their mighty chariots of war. It could not be otherwise. The God-breathed “Scripture cannot be broken.” The old Book stands! Many times in years gone by, on these pages and elsewhere, in words printed and spoken, in spite of all seem- *Pastor, First Brethren Church.

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come the order of the day in cer­ tain quarters; and the bolshevistic propaganda finds ready reception among the millions of unemployed and poverty-stricken people.’ Ger­ many seems about ready to fall into the ways of her ‘godless’ eastern neighbor. A German delegate to the L e a g u e of Nations recently said that, unless other nations ease their demands on her, Germany may yet be driven ‘into the arms of the Soviet, and the result in Europe will be chaos.’ Many German editors insist that Germany can n e v e r march w i t h the Bolsheviki. But stranger things than that have hap­ pened. Strange forces are at work these days in a world more afflicted with revolution and devolution than with evolution. When the- h o u r strikes, Germany will tramp, Hitler and his Fascist' ‘brown-shirts’ not­ withstanding—-with Gog!” We never have to apologize when we speak and write according to the Word of God, no matter how unlikely of ful­ fillment those words may seem to the minds of men. The hour seems to have struck. The miracle has taken place. The Hun tramps with Gog. Together they have a rendezvous with death in “The valley of Hamon-gog” (Ezek. 39:11). The Fragile Rome-Berlin Axis The “Rome-Berlin axis” is a brittle axis. It cannot endure. That, we knew from the beginning. Neither Germany nor Russia was ever any part of the old Roman Empire. The ten toes of Neb­ uchadnezzar’s image were integral parts of “the fourth kingdom” (Daii. 2:40, 41) —the Roman Empire. The “ten horns” upon the head of “the fourth beast” (Dan. 7:7) were “ten horns [kings] out of this kingdom” (Dan. 7:24)—that is, they all belonged to, and came out of, the Roman Empire. Neither Germany nor Russia can be either these “toes” or these “horns.” [Continued on Page 444]

ing unlikelihood, this writer has insisted that when the sunset hour of , Gentile power and glory and dominion ap­ proaches, Germany will goose-step with the Bolshevik hordes of Gog, even Rus­ sia, “the k i n g of the north.” Yes, “Gomer, and all his bands” (Ezek. 38:6) will trek at the tail, and not the head, of the old Russian bear, when that bear belches his hate and leaps from his “place out of the north parts” (v. 15), down through the cedars of Lebanon, on “to the land of unwalled villages . . . To take a spoil” (vs. 11, 12), pouncing upon “the people that are gathered out of the nations,” even “against my peo­ ple of Israel” (v. 16), saith the Lord. Alliance Foreshadowéd in 1934 Five years ago we wjjote: “Vast are the allied hordes that the eye of the seer beholds following Gog on his last march: Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer and all his hordes, and Togarmah with all his hordes. ‘Persia,’ in October, 1922, became a Soviet ally and agreed that, in case of war between Britain and Russia, she would permit the Bolsheviki to march through her territory for an attack on Mesopotamia. ‘Cush’ (not of Africa, but a southern province- of Persia) recently forsook the Brit­ ish for the Red sphere of influence. ‘Put,’ that is, upper Cilicia, will also answer the call. More important than all, ‘Gomer, and all his hordes’ [R. V.l will be there. ‘Gomer is the equivalent of Gimirrai,’ says Web­ ster, quoting Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible. Gomer is Germany, say the rabbis. Careful study compels us to believe the rabbis are right. Poland and Rumania may very prop­ erly be counted as a part of the Gomeric hordes. The Polish-Soviet ‘pact’ of the hour becomes interest­ ing! * “The British Bible Society reports that, in Germany, ‘ “godless” exhi­ bitions, “godless” plays, “godless” gramophone records, etc., have be-

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