King's Business - 1930-11

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

November 1930


JiA _

Why a Bible Institute?—And Why One in Los Angeles? B y P resident W m . P. W hite

Friends o f Biola—m Los Angeles, up cmd down the coast and throughout the world—will sense the timeliness of this syn­ opsis o f President White’s message. [HIS question was asked us recently. It is a le­ gitimate one. If there is no good reason for the |existence of a Bible Institute, it is wrong for us to ask young people to spend two to four years of their lives with us. It is wrong for us to spend our time with them, and it is wrong for us to ask for God’s money to conduct such an institution. We have no mean criticism of the church o f Jesus Christ. We are a part of it. .We love the church. We

gone to foreign fields who received their inspiration and preparation for this life work at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Twelve of our graduates are leaving during the month of October for foreign stations, counting not the cost because of their great love for Him who was rich, yet for our sakes became poor that we through His pov­ erty might be rich. /'■W hy a B ible I nstitute in Los A ngeles ? Because the Pacific coast is in itself a great empire. It is an empire of opportunity. From all over the east and from Canada, people are flocking here. Our high schools,

love God’s people. We are spending no time in tearing down. Our work is construc­ tive. The most constructive criticism that we can make of God’s people is that they are ignorant of God’s Word, and should be called to repentance for neglect of God’s Word. We are not speaking now of the modernists. We are speaking of Christians who love J e s u s Christ and have yielded them­ selves, to Him for salvation. We do not know the Word of God well enough to claim the highest privileges and victories of the Christian life. Neither do we know G o d ’ s Word well enough to point others to Jesus Christ. About all the know­ ledge of the Bible the church possesses is that which was re­ received in twenty minutes, once

colleges, and universities are in­ ferior to none in the entire world. But the education that many o f them offer is an education without God. Our people have gone pleasure mad. The moving picture shows are crowded on Sunday and the churches are empty. Every heathen philosophy and religion has its adherents in Los Angeles. This is modern Athens. If Paul were here he would say, “ Ye are too religi­ ous for as I passed through Pershing Square this day I saw altars to unknown gods.” When I was in the seminary, the apol­ ogetics that I learned was that I might meet the infidelity of the centtiry before, but when our students come from the street, the missions, the shop meetings, they compel their

A Pacific Coast Bible Institute International Training School for Christian Leadership

Occupying its own 13-story building in the heart of one of the nation’s three largest cosmopolitan areas. Supplying Biblical instruction of the highest type Radiating intense evangelistic fervor During 25 years, 15,000 students, from every State in the Union and from 49 foreign countries, have been enrolled.


a week, in the Sunday-school each Sunday, and from topi­ cal sermons from the pulpit. Very few Christians have enjoyed the privilege of an expository preacher. A Bible Institute exists in order to prepare young men and women for work in the home church. Any congrega­ tion would do well to select from their membership the strong, spiritually-minded young people and pay their way through a Bible Institute course. Some of these young people would return to their congregations and become a mighty force as the pastor’s helpers. Others might them­ selves become pastors—dedicated pastors, willing to go to neglected fields, splendidly equipped with a knowledge of God’s Word and with a great passion for souls. Others might become executive pastors, or pastors’ assistants. There is a great need and demand in the larger churches for young men with executive ability who can take many burdens from the shoulders of the overworked pastor, so that he may be free to devote himself to the ministry of the Word and to visitation in the homes of his people. A Bible Institute is sustained, also, to prepare workers for the foreign field. Over five hundred missionaries have

professors to teach the apologetics that should be taught today. What a challenge to God’s people to support an Institute, by prayer and money, that stands as a great light center in the midst of this awful confusion.

'¿to. Éà i< 0 u, U/& K . T . B. I.




Instruction Thus did “Uncle John” of the Los Angeles Times suggest a slogan for the call letters o f BIOLA ’ S broad­ casting station; and how fitting it is, for if BIOLA stands for anything it is Knowledge Through Biblical Instruction. Gideons Aid At the meetings in the North, much encouragement came from the Gideons— those men of God who are see­ ing to it that the Bible is available to the traveling public. They realize how important a place a Bible Institute has in the life and ministry of the Christian church in these days.

Forever, 0 Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven.—Psalm 119:89.

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