King's Business - 1930-11


November 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Revell’s Striking List OF THI S SEASON ’S IMPOR T AN T BOOKS

Revelation and Inspiration B y B. B. W arfield

This volume contains a group of studies which have appeared in various periodicals and books. It deals, first, with the Biblical idea of revelation, then discusses various theories of revelation and inspiration. Dr. Warfield probes down deep to find the real problem of inspiration, and he gives abundant proof that there is sufficient and reliable evidence for the Biblical doctrine of a God-inspired Scripture. Inspiration is found to be not a hazy and human thing but the. working of God through human agents to produce a reliable record. Ver­ bal inspiration, rightly understood, is dis­ covered to be the most accurate and the most reasonable explanation of the prob­ lem. This volume will be a splendid anti­ dote to the literature'that liberal criticism has been putting out in recent years, and which has been undermining the faith of Christians in the Word of God. The book is learned, but not too technical for the average reader. 456 pages. Oxford Uni­ versity Press. Cloth. Price $3.00. — o— The Quest of Experience in Worship B y E d w in H . B y in g t o n In many of our churches too little at­ tention has been paid to worship. Dr. By­ ington sketches the various modes of wor­ ship accepted in Christendom, and ana­ lyzes each in a sympathetic and under­ standing spirit. . With his analysis he couples a careful, constructive treatment of the problems of worship in the modern church, calculated for the needs of the average man. His suggestions are not radical, though some of them are novel; and most of them are helpful. Especially good is his treatment of the use of hymns in worship. The book will be a beneficial stimulus to those preachers who take the Order of Service for granted. 211 pages. Richard R. Smith, Inc. Price $2.00. Dr. Biederwolf gives ten forceful and convincing arguments supporting his claim that the Bible is the Word of God. He first presents the testimony of Christ to the Scriptures which alone should be sufficient for the reverent believer. There is added the testimony of the book itself and its remarkable history, the testimony of fulfilled prophecy, the testimony of the human heart, and the testimony of good men. Difficulties are not dodged nor are the critics left unanswered. The studies are brief but packed with solid meat. They will shake the foundations of skeptics and stimulate the faith of believers. 161 pages. Pentcostal Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. — o— The Lord Trieth the Righteous Psalm 11:5 Trials make the promise sweet; Trials give new life to prayer; Trials bring me to His feet, Lay me low, and keep me there. —Life of. Faith. How I Know the Bible is the Word of God B y W il l ia m E dw ard B iederw olf

Radiant Girlhood by Eleanor Vellscott Wood A message from a true woman’s heart to the radiant girl coming i n t o early womanhood, betroth­ al, married joy and . the enlarged oppor­ tunities of a full-or­ bed life. Written that girlhood may come to lay at the Master’s feet its best treas­ ures and carry away a song—a song of victory and perpetual joy in Him. Board $ .60 The Bible and the Ages by Bishop Horace M. Du Bose, D.D. Methodist Episcopal Church, South A noteworthy book, showing the way to a , s o und , conservative position regarding the 'Scriptures. $2.50 The Directed Survey and Visitation Evangelism by A. Karl Kernhan, D.D. An informative man­ ual needed in the con­ duct of a survey pre­ paratory to a cam­ paign. Illustrated, $1.50 The Secret of the Life Sublime by A. Z. Conrad, D.D. A book to be read and reread, because it has in it that which goes to the fortifying of the souls of men. $1.50 With this new vol­ ume, Mr. G o r d o n makes a long-awaited and eagerly antici­ pated addition to his “Quiet Talks.” $1.25 Twice-Born Ministers by S. M. Shoemaker, Jr. A new “big seller” by -the author of “ Chil­ dren of the Second Birth.” Quiet Talks on the Bible Story by S. D. Gordon

Some Living Issues by Robert E. Speer,D.D. “As refreshing as a cool breeze on a sul­ try day. Deals with doctrines essential to the Christian faith in a masterly manner, and is an immense as­ set to E v an g e lic a l Christianity. It should be in the hands of all theological studen ts and Christian min­ isters and thinking laymen, everywhere.” —David G. Wylie, D.D., LL.D. $2.50 The House of Friendship by Albert G. Gage The story of a real Church. The House of F r i e n d s h i p in which the entire pro­ gram and organiza­ tion are built around genuine Christian fel­ lowship. All depart­ ments of the Sunday School stress the hu­ man friendship needs of people. The class­ es are evangelistic and vital. An inspiring and m o s t valuable book. Cloth $1.25 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ A New Study of an Old Problem by William Bancroft Hill, D.D. A calm and thought­ ful inquiry into the facts and claims made for the physical res­ urrection of Jesus. $1.25 The Lord’s Prayer in Practice by An Unknown Christian A splendid devotion­ al a n d meditative study— an examina­ tion of the Model Prayer, probing the secret of its devotion­ al content and bring­ ing forth things both new and old. Each clause of the Prayer is considered in a sep­ arate chapter and pre­ sented as one of the facts of a brilliant whole. Cloth $1.25 Paper $ .80

Ready This Month

The Life Story o f Sir Wilfred Grenfell Forty Years on the Labrador By ERNEST H. HAYES « Much has been written concerning the famous doctor-missionary of the Labrador, yet an obvious need is met in this latest work. «I Here is a consecutive story of Grenfell’s life and work, told in brief compass, and arranged so as to show its steady development down to the present time. « An eminently readable and deeply interesting story, that will have a far-reaching interest. $1.25 Missionary and Pioneer in Central Africa By DR. G. E. TILSLEY, F.R.G.S. Jean Kenyon M a ck en zie says: “Dr. Tilsley, a veteran in African missions, has known how to embody Dan C raw fo rd ’s extraordinary journals and letters in a rich and fascinating record. Here is the inimitable Dan Crawford speaking in his own deeply moving fashion of the things of Africa.” Fully Illustrated, $6.50 Dan Crawford



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