King's Business - 1930-11


November 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s ' B u s i n e s s

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Great Things of God

How the Macedonians Gave

3. They were led victoriously through the wilderness ( 8 ). 4. They were protected from the curse (9 ,10 ). 5. They were miraculously led through the Jordan (11). 6 . They were given victory in the land (11, 12). 7. They were abundantly blessed in the land (13). — o— The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16

1. The great gift (2 or. 9:15). 2. The grace of God (Eph. 2 :7 ). 3'. The “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet. 1:8 ). 4. The “love that passeth knowledge” (Eph. 3:19). 5. The “peace of G 6 d which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4 :7 ). 6 . The promises of God, “exceeding great and precious” (2 Pet. 1 :4 ). — I. K. Charles. One of God’s Gifts A Thanksgiving Meditation “He giveth . . . the hoar-frost” (Psa. 147:16). A newspaper writer has penned the fol­ lowing profitable homily on autumn’s vis­ itation and the ministry of the frost: “Frost tonight, probably heavy. By morn­ ing the last bright-hued blossoms will hang their heavy heads among their drooping, blackened leaves. The poet long ago chanted the requiem for the death of the flowers. ‘The melancholy days are come, the sad­ dest of the' year, O f wailing winds and naked woods and meadows brown and sere.’ But is it death? Part the thick leaves of the nasturtiums and note how many more fruits than buds they hide. Look at the sprawling branches of the petunias, stud­ ded with pointed pods, the tiny seeds bear­ ing who knows what rare blendings and striplings and veinings of color. Even the hardy marigolds, loaded with buds at the tips of their stalks, bristle with seed ves­ sels farther down. In the spring, a lusty crop of seedlings will mark the spot not where these flowers died, but where they passed on life to another generation.’' 1. In the night of trial is the triumph o f victory% (Heb. 2:32-39). 2. In the darkness of loneliness is the opportunity of faith (Isa. 50:10). 3. In the tribulation of affliction is the working of patience (Rom. 5 :3 ). 4. In the thorn in the flesh is the suf­ ficiency o f grace (2 Cor. 12:7-9). 5. In the failure of service there is the voice o f the Saviour (John 2 1 :3 -ll). 6 . In the loss of the earthly there is the gain with God (Job 4 2 :10-12). 7. In the letting down in tbe basket of God’s providence will be found the lifting up to the revelation o f His paradise, as Paul experienced (2 Cor. 11:33; 12:2). SffllrF. E. Marsh. — o— An Invitation Readers of this department are invited to send in original outlines for sermons and Bible readings that might be useful to other subscribers.

2 Corinthians 8 1. They gave themselves (5 ). 2. They gave willingly (3 ). 3. They gave sacrificially (2) 4. They gave- ungrudgingly (4 ). 5. They gave joyfully (2 ). 6 . They gave proportionately (3 ). 7. They gave exemplarily (1,2).

By their giving needs were supplied, good was accomplished, and God was glorified. Paul exhorts the Corinthians and us to follow this example. — H. C. Fulton. Streams of Light From Jesus’ Prayer John 17 :l-26 There are seven special petitions in this prayer: 1. That He might be glorified as the Son. 2. That His eternal glory might be re­ stored. 3. That His disciples might be secure from the world and from the evil one. 4. That believers might be sanctified. 5. That there might be spiritual unity among believers. 6 . That the world might believe. 7. That all His followers might be with . Him in heaven. —I. W. 5. Abundant ministry (2 Cor. 1 :12), . 6 . Abundant answers to prayer (Eph. 3:20). 7. Abundant Spirit (Tit. 3:5, 6 ). 8 . Abundant confirmation (Heb. 6:17). —Brookes Quarterly. J —o— Joshua’ s Appeal to Israel to Count • Their Blessings Joshua 24:5-13 1. They were redeemed from bondage (S). 2. They ware completely separated from their past in Egypt (6 ,7 ). Our Abundant God He gives: 1. Abundant grace (2 Cor. 4:15). 2. Abundant rejoicing (Phil. 1:26).' 3. Abundant mercy (1 Pet. 1:3). 4. Abundant life (John 10:10).

1. Two men (19,20). 2. Two lives (19,21). 3. Two deaths (22). 4. Two destines (22,23).

— Believers’ Magazine. — o—

The Ethiopian Eunuch’s Conversion 1. The guided servant (Acts 8:26,29,33). 2 . The anxious sinner (Acts 8:27-32). 3. The mighty Saviour (Acts 8 :33-35). 4. The rejoicing saint (Acts 8:37-41). — Believer’s Magazine. — o— Conversion Matthew 18:3 1. The need of conversion—Depravity. 2. The worth of conversion—’Grace. 3. The fruit of conversion—-Life. --Selected. —o— The Gentleness of Christ Matthew 2 1 :5 1. “Thy King cometh,” not to take ven­ geance but— to show meekness. 2. “Thy King cometh,” not to destroy but— to save. 3. “Thy King cometh,” not to impose but— to remove burdens. 4 “Thy King cometh,” not to be min­ istered unto but— to minister. •— King’s . M essage. —o— The Cup of Salvation Psa. 116:13 1. God prepared it at infinite cost (John 3:16; 1 Pet. 2:24). 2. It is offered to all (Rev. 22:17; Isa. 55 :1). 3. It is to be received as a gift (Rom. 6:23; John 1 :12; Eph. 2 :8 ). 4. It is inexhaustible (Isa. 12:3). 5. It is an overflowing cup (Psa. 23:5: John 7:37, 38). 6 . It is s a t i s f y i n g (John 4:14; Psa. 107:9). 7. W e reject it to our eternal loss (Heb. 2: 3; John 3:36). —Gospel Message.

Source of Inspiration and Comfort The copies of. T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s have been a source of much inspiration and comfort to us. We pray God’s richest bless­ ing upon you in the publication o f this, fine magazine. —From Chicago, Illinois.

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