King's Business - 1930-11


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

November 1930

Are S U M M E R FL IRTATIONS harmful? ^ E A D |

ruin. W e think best for tomorrow by tak­ ing care of today. By making a wise use o f seedtime, we best prepare for harvest. O my poor restless soul, quiet thyself in God who loves thee. What does all thy fret and care and fear come to? Oh, rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Christ has done little for thee if thou canst not trust Him for each day’s light and bread and strength. Christ never fails. Lèt the battle come; Christ will win. Let death draw near; Christ will tread him under footi Let heaven vanish and earth disappear ; Christ will create new heavens and a new earth, passing in glory and beauty all that thou hast ever-seen. If I look over my Hfe to see where God has failed, I cannot find one breach of faith, or one lapse of love. Oh, rest in the Lord! -—Joseph Parker, D.D. — o— . December 7— “In your patience possess -ye your souls’’ (Lk, 2 1 :19). W e must be struck with the spirit of pa­ tience displayed everywhere in the New Testament. The patience of our Lord is remarkable. Isaiah prophesied of Him: “He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth.” No­ thing is more wonderful than the serenity of our Lord in the prosecution of His great mission. His zeal was a flaming fire, and His desire to see the travail of His soul in the establishment of His kingdom of universal righteousness and peace was intense, with an intensity into which we cannot enter; Never flurried nor betrayed into the agitation of hurry, but, while kindling with sublime and mighty enthu­ siasm, He proceeded to fulfill His destiny without haste and without pause. The same spirit of tranquil confidence ani­ mated the apostles. “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.” Because they exulted in glo­ rious power, they were patient and long- suffering. In these days of feverishness and haste, our eye is too much on the clock. - Rae, writing of the White Sea ' Peninsula, alleges that in all the hundreds of Russian peasants’ huts, cottages, and houses that he visited, every one had a clock, yet he saw only one going. Wise people ! It is well to remember that we are children of time; but the agitation and tension of watching the clock are not good for us in any sense, least of all, in rela­ tion to spiritual things. Let us do our duty, and do it with confidence. —W. L. Watkinson, D.D. — o— December 8 — - ‘To him the porter open- eth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out” (John 10,:3). Jesus never sends a man ahead alone. He blazes a clear way through every thicket and woods, and then softly calls, “Follow me. Let’s go on together, you and L” He has been everywhere that we are called to go. His feet have trodden down smooth a path through every expe­ rience that comes to us. He knows each road, and knows it well— the valley road of disappointment, with its dark shadows; the steep path of temptation, down through the rocky ravines and slippery gullies ; the narrow path of pain, with the brambly thorn bushes ; the dizzy road

along the heights of victory; and the old beaten road of commonplace daily routine. Everyday paths He has trodden and glo­ rified, and will walk anew with: each of us. The only safe way to travel is with Him alongside and in control. This was the original Eden plan. God was the host in Eden. Man was Hjs guest. That is still the plan. God plans thoughtfully for everything that concerns us. And we need to exercise the guest’s thoughtful care that no shadow of misunderstanding be allowed to come in to disturb the rare in­ timacy between- host and guest. - •—S. D. Gordon. — o— December 9— “ This is life, eternal, that they might know thee” - (John 17:3). “This is life eternal,” to kndw Jesus. You cannot have one without the other. In the Scriptures the word “know” has a far deeper significance than it receives in common life. In human relationships an introduction to another person appears to entitle us to claim that we know him. A nodding acquaintance in the street appears to establish a similar claim. “Do you know So-and-so?” “Yes, I sajv him at a friend’s house for a few minutes a year af? 0 -” This kind of knowledge has little or no significance. Anyone who approaches the New Testament must leave that con­ ception of knowledge far behind if he would enter into the interpretation of the truths qnd means of grace. For the peril abounds that men and women do take the shallow speech of the world, with all its impoverished content, and use it as their measure, for the profound and sublime speech of the Bible. Let us use a great word greatly, and settle with ourselves that this word “know” is marvellously deep, and that no man has ever touched the bottom. “To know Jesus”—what does it mean? Here is a guiding word from the apostle John : “He _that said, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar.” Then how many of us know Him? Knowledge implies obedience. Without obedience we may have a few ideas about Him, but we do not know Him.— J. H. Jowett. — o— December 10 —“ The way o f his steps” (Psa. 85 :13)., “His steps”—what a study! It is as though our blessed Redeemer left us the print of the feet of His earthly ministries as a sure guide for us as we seek to do God’s will and to live to please Him. The lamp o f God’s Word reveals to us “the way of His steps” most distinctly. They are many in number. W e see them on the way to the sanctuary. W e see them also in the direction of less frequented local­ ities where He held communion with God, alone. Then we see them leading to scenes of suffering and sorrow, to the sick and the dying, and to homes of bereavement. We look in vain for any prints of His feet in directions of worldly amusements. There are, indeed, footmarks o f His to Simon’s house, where a feast was held, and to the house at Cana, where mar­ riage festivities took place; but we know what occurred on both these occasions. He was the same everywhere, the wonder­ working Lord, the divine Teacher, the Saviour of souls. And, oh, how deeply the print of His feet affects us, as we mark

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