King's Business - 1930-11


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

November 1930

One day Dr. Alexander Whyte met him and said: “Rainy, I cannot understand youl How do you manage to keep serene like this, exposed to all these venomous attacks?” “Whyte, I’m very happy at home!” The wounds were deep, but there were hands at home that were always pouring balm into the wounds— gentle, kindly min­ istries at home that mitigated and alle­ viated pain. And how many there are in every rank of life who find their courage to endure in secret, sweet comforting like that!— Watchman-Examiner. — o— Victory Prepared for Us .The worth of our service for Christ can never go beyond our personal experience of Him. Countless Christians are daily fighting a losing battle. Without the en­ ergy of the Spirit, they are constantly at grips with impossible odds; and from the conflict they emerge scarred, broken, and almost despairing. Occasionally there is a victory, but the common experience is defeat. Is that true of you? I am here to say that no man or woman need suffer defeat. W e can have victory all along the way, and against the greatest odds, until we see our Master face to face. There is no need for any of us to be overcome, for we are called to be overcomers. — Dr. W. Graham Scroggie, — o — "O Holy Ghost! arise, Thy temple fill: With cleansing fire baptize My yielded •mil.’’

child. In submission, contentment, gentle­ ness, humility, and patience, the sovereign energy of love asserts itself as it rarely does in action. The active and passive vir­ tues are two sides of one shield; but the deep significance of our Lord’s life is that the passive graces constitute the golden side. Gentleness, longsuffering, and en­ durance are of the essence of the divinely great and heroic. The humbled, bruised soul is far from conceits and presumption. There is a temper of bravado, a jingoism of life, o f which we may well stand in fear; but the habitual sense of our own nothingness before God, and of our entire dependence on His grace, is a state of sal­ vation, a presage of full and final victory. — W. L. Watkinson. —-o— Our Homes and the World Outside From the world we go back into our homes to renew our strength. Our homes are sanctuaries. There we are surrounded by those who know us and those who trust us. Happy indeed the man or woman who can look forward during the trying day to home as a place of joy, refuge, safety. Let us remember that home mak­ ing is not only one of our greatest duties but one of our greatest privileges. George H . Morrison tells the following beautiful story: There was a time in Principal Rainyfs life when he was the best-hated man in Scotland. Scarce a week passed in which the newspapers had not some venomous attack on him. And all the time, neither in face nor temper did Rainy show one trace of irritation, but carried himself with a beautiful serenity.

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