2024 BFPD Budget Report

BERTHOUD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ---ro �e,. ro /Je,vw,. ro ��

The 2024 General and Capital Improvement budgets are based upon an assessed valuation ofGeneral and Capital Funds in the amount of$542,481,160. The respective mill levies are:

12.585 1.243 0.040 13.868

General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Abatement Total

In a special election, May 1998, the taxpayers ofthe district approved a 1.243 mill levy for the purposes ofcapital improvements/expenditures. On May 6, 2008 the District's electorate approved the continuance ofthe 1.243 mill levy for the Capital Improvement Fund with no sunset clause. On November 7, 2001, the taxpayers ofthe Berthoud Fire Protection District approved an increase, of6.1 mills, in the general fund operating mill levy. The mill levy was increased from 6.431 mills to 12.531 mills. This provides additional career firefighter staffing for Fire Station 1 and Fire Station 2; the increase also provides revenues to cover operating cost of Fire Station 1, Fire Station 2, fire apparatus and equipment. On November 6, 2018, the taxpayers ofthe Berthoud Fire Protection District approved to maintain the cunent, Residential Assessment Rate of7 .2%. Allowing a fluctuation ofthe assessment rate and prevent it from falling below this set rate for the district. The adopted budget seeks to address the new and ever-present needs of the district and to honor its commitment to providing the quality of service as defined in the District's mission statement. In accordance with the Tabor Amendment 3% ofour General Fund Expenditure is placed in an emergency reserve account. Financial information provided includes all sources of revenues and expenditures, including beginning and ending fund balances. "In accordance with the budgeting basis ofaccounting as defined in C.R.S. 29- 1-102(2) for the following method oftiming when revenue and other financing sources and expenditures and other financing uses are recognized for budget purposes shall be the modified accrual basis." The required schedules and related information for lease purchase agreements have also been included in accordance with House Bill 90-1164.

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