BERTHOUD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ---?;, �t:-. r;, t�. r;, �,a-.
For 2024, Be1thoud Fire Protection District realized an increase in revenue, based on multiple factors including increased assessed value. This is the second consecutive year where the district saw an increase in assessed value and broke a two-year decline in assessed value from the two-year prior. SB23B-00I created a decrease in AV but as a fire district, Be1thoud Fire Protection District should realize I 00% back fill for this loss in AV and the associated revenues. Even with the challenges associated with fluctuating AV, and revenue decreasing legislation, Berthoud Fire Protection District has been able to continue its unified goal(s) of providing our customers, both internal and external, with exceptional customer service.
Some of the 2024 budget expenditures include:
A cost-of-living adjustment for all staff plus additional pay grade adjustments per rank based on market research analysis of surrounding organizations of like size.
An increase to several of the operational expenses after a detailed analysis of the past five years of expenses. Due to the effects of inflation, a larger weight was put on the past two fiscal years actual expenses.
Completion of the remodel to Station 61 located at 275 Mountain Ave., Berthoud, CO.
The pmchase of an estimated 2.5 acres in the southwest corner of U.S. 287 Bypass and Berthoud Parkway, Berthoud, CO as the future site of Station 64.
The lease purchase payment of a 2023 Class A engine, 2022 Type 3 wildland engine, 2023 Ford 550 Type 6 wildland engine, 2022 Dodge Battalion Chief pickup, and a 2022 Dodge pickup.
The district has developed a comprehensive capital improvement plan. The capital improvement plan forecasts the life expectancy and replacement and or maintenance costs for each of the District's long-term assets and matches those costs to defined funding levels that will need to be met over the next decade. This capital improvement plan is reviewed every year to ensure it captures the needs of the organization and receives adequate funding.
Continued evaluation and implementation of cost savings solutions while staying committed to providing the highest level of service to the community.
An enhancement of staff through a comprehensive recruitment and training program. Specifically: • Fill a vacancy within the operations division, Operations Division Chjef • Onboarding of seven additional Reserve Firefighters • Continued professional development of career and reserve firefighters. Purchases of new equipment and the replacement of dated equipment to include but not limited to firefighting personal protective equipment (PPE), air management equipment (SCBA) firefighting, rescue and emergency medical equipment.
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