American Consequences - December 2020


How Biden’s “Day One” Promises Affect Your Money

President-elect Joe Biden has made lots of promises starting on “Day One” or early in his presidency…

He’s promised to undo many of Trump’s tax cuts, boost workers’ rights to unionize, ban natural gas leasing on federal lands, pass new anti-discrimination protections, rescind Trump’s travel bans, and much, much more. There’s no doubt that the next few years are going to see massive changes to our financial system. And this is why Stansberry Research Founder Porter Stansberry

says there are 3 critical steps every American must take with your money, starting immediately. You don’t have to pay a penny to hear Porter explain more about all three steps. Just take a few minutes to check out his presentation on the subject, which we’ve posted on our website, right here .

check it out

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