roles. Feeling valued and engaged, employees develop a loyalty that extends beyond mere job satisfaction. In such a positive ËŁĆļŁİÕʞõčÑõŕõÑŁ²ĆĴţčÑõčč²ļÕ motivation, job satisfaction and a genuine connection to their work and colleagues. A positive culture creates a conducive work environment where employees are motivated to excel. This motivation translates into increased productivity and a higher likelihood of achieving success in company goals and objectives. Businesses must do what it takes to create such a culture — and learn to read the signs when their current culture is lacking.
A˲čĴËñÕÑŁĆÕĔčÕʴĔčʴĔčÕ meetings with employees to discuss challenges and opportunities. These are great ways to make sure workers are fully aligned with the company’s objectives. A positive company culture plays a pivotal role in increasing employee retention by cultivating an environment where individuals feel a profound sense of belonging. ļõļĴËĔİÕʞļñõĴËŁĆļŁİÕİÕŤÕËļĴ the organization’s values and how it treats its workforce. When employees perceive that their contributions are acknowledged, appreciated and aligned with the company’s mission, it generates a powerful emotional connection. This sense of belonging is a strong motivator, instilling in employees a commitment to the organization beyond the transactional aspects of their
İÕËĔëčõļõĔčĔč²čĔčëĔõčëʲĴõĴʝ Workers want regularly scheduled reviews and structured feedback on their performance. Most companies ²ĆİÕ²ÑŘÑĔļñõĴʞÊŁļõļʿĴÊÕčÕţËõ²ĆļĔ be more systematic about it. ÕĆÕÊݲļÕČõĆÕĴļĔčÕĴİÕëŁĆ²İĆŘʝEļ should become a part of the routine to recognize work anniversaries, promotions, completed projects and other wins. This can be done in a variety of ways, including personalized celebrations or other tokens of appreciation. Aim for something creative and heartfelt. &č²ÊĆÕĔĭÕčËĔČČŁčõ˲ļõĔčʝ õČêĔݲčĔĭÕčʴÑĔĔİĭĔĆõËŘŖñÕİÕ employees can share their concerns and feedback. Many companies claim they have such a policy but ensure yours is real by involving ÕČĭĆĔŘÕÕĴõč²ĴČ²čŘÑÕËõĴõĔčʴ making processes as you can. cêêÕİĴËñÕÑŁĆÕÑËñÕËăʴõčĴʝ
Aaron Rubens is CEO and founder of Kudoboard.
32 | March 2024
Leadership & Career | Culture red flags
CCI Magazine
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