Faraday Discussions Forum
www.rscweb.org/forums/fd/login.php In order to record the discussion at the meeting, which forms part of the final published volume, your name and e-mail address will be stored in the Faraday Forum. This information is used for the collection of questions and responses communicated during each session. After each question or comment you will receive an e-mail which contains some keywords to remind you what you asked, and your password information for the forum. The e-mail is not a full record of your question. You need to complete your question in full on the forum . The deadline for completing questions and comments is Friday 7 April 2023
The question number in the e-mail keeps you a space on the forum. Use the forum to complete, review and expand on your question or comment. Figures and attachments can be uploaded to the forum. If you want to ask a question after the meeting, please e-mail faraday@rsc.org. Once we have received all questions and comments, responses will be invited by e-mail . These must also be completed on the forum . The deadline for completing responses is Friday 21 April 2023 . Please note that when using the Forum to submit a question or reply, your name and registered e-mail address will be visible to other delegates registered for this Faraday Discussions meeting. Key points: • The e-mail is not a full record of your comment/question. • All comments and responses must be completed in full on the forum Deadlines: Questions and comments Friday 7 April 2023 Responses Friday 21 April 2023
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