



by Jeff Roth

• Customers are usually willing to pay more for a well-designed product or service. • Most adults have an average attention span of 5-10 seconds. When an individual scans your webpage or offering, they are attracted to images and short headlines that catch their atten- tion. Think: Nike and “Just Do It” paired with the “Swoosh” logo. Design creates an emotional connection for every stakeholder in your business. Good design generates interest, solves prob- lems, and creates opportunities. • A March 14, 2018 article on entitled “7 Proven Reasons Why Good Design is Good Business” makes the case that companies with a strong design outperformed companies with a weak design by 219% on the Standard and Poor’s Index over a 10-year period. Notably, 48% of custom- ers said website design was the No. 1 factor in determining the credibility of the business. As for logos, a memorable logo is 71.6% more likely to get a posi- tive response from consumers, especially when paired with an emotional slogan. In the digital age, companies have only sec- onds before customers make up their minds. In fact, the article

states people can make up their minds about a company or brand within 17-50 milliseconds after landing on their website.

he brilliant designer Paul Rand, who created logos for IBM,


UPS, ABC, and many other compa - nies, wrote in his book “A Designer’s Art” that “design is the silent ambas- sador of your brand.” Design is more than how some- thing looks or is laid out. Good design understands your customer’s needs, wants, and tastes and takes them into consideration to create an emotional connection with your company and brand. This emotional connection should be communicated in the images, fonts, color selec- tion, and persuasive language you use on your website, and it should

WHERE TO START The place to start with the design process is with your customers. Think about their needs, wants, and problems. During the design process, consider your customer’s preferences over your own. A good design solves your customer’s problem and touches the emotional center of your customers. Try to reach their hearts. People choose products or ser- vices based on beauty, and they are willing to pay more for them. People believe beautiful things function better. So, design your company and brand around providing a beautiful experience for your customers. People connect emotionally with a company or brand, both positively and negatively. Be intentional about the experience you create for them. ELEMENTS OF GOOD DESIGN Design for efficiency. Tell a story through your design that creates an emotional connection with your company or brand. Use images that help tell a story and that create an emotional bond with your message and design. Think, for example,

be consistent across all social media platforms, signage, and customer experiences.

BENEFITS OF GOOD DESIGN The whole point of good design is to create a customer experience that delights in the way your company operates and the business pro- cesses you have put in place, all so customers can’t help but tell others about the positive experience and feelings they have about your brand and company. Your returns from your investment in design will be greater with each customer and from the additional business they generate from their word-of-mouth referrals. Here are just a few of the benefits of investing in good design:

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