201 - TZL - Raouf Ghali

We were able to use certain technologies that help us be more efficient and provide the services to our clients in a more streamlined way.

Randy Wilburn [31:40] It is becoming amazing how impactful drone technology has been to the design industry. I just saw on the news last night that Walmart is going to deliver its first package via drone this weekend. Based in Fayetteville, Arkansas, that's where Zweig Group is based and right up the street is this little company called Walmart, and they're adopting technology for retail, but on the design industry side, on the construction side, drone technology is playing a major role in things that you can do. I mean, the way you can scan a building with a drone. There's just stuff that even 5, 10 years ago, I don't think anybody thought it was possible.

Raouf Ghali [32:30] I couldn't agree with you more. And I think it's just the beginning of it. And the pandemic, from every bad situation, good things do come out of it. And I think the use of technology within our industry, in particular project management and supervision, we really were using limited technology, it was all really hands-on. But this has accelerated the use of technology and looking at new best practices.

Randy Wilburn [33:06] So I'd love to ask because, again, you guys are not siloed into one specific area. How do you juggle being on multiple continents? You have offices all over the place? I understand that you operate between your Athens office and also Philadelphia. I mean, you're here, there and everywhere. How do you manage that?

Raouf Ghali [33:29] Very simple. I have a great team. I have the best team in the world. Our organization is actually flat. We have a very flat organization. It's mainly regional, organized with some special sector management, or end market management as well. And these regional managers have access to me at any time and their direct reports are very easily accessible so we can make decisions really fast. Every month, we have a review of the entire company's portfolio. It takes us probably a day to go through all the projects worldwide and we look at where the important parts are because at the end of the day if you manage your weakest link, it just makes you strong. We just focus on where the issues are, where the challenges are on a monthly basis worldwide and all management is around the table and we help each other just get over any challenges that they're looking for and we go forward on that. And these decisions are made instantaneously, with as little bureaucracy as possible. Now, having said that we're a

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