

B Y: D E R MO T R YA N , A C C O U N T D I R E C T O R , K . I . T. G R O U P A S S O C I AT I ON A N D C ON F E R E N C E M A N A G E M E N T

t is hard to find silver linings in COVID-19. We are more than the associations we work for and some in the sector have been deeply affected by COVID-19 through illness and loss. Staff members have been made redundant, or temporary contracts have not been renewed, putting additional pressure on already strained teams. Congress and meetings teams have been stressed by rescheduling and cancelling events or creating new digital programmes. Fears about the future are I

shared by many in the sector. Our volunteer leaders in medical associations have been battling COVID-19 in their hospitals and practices while simultaneously trying to steer their associations through the crisis. Lost revenue may mean difficult decisions need to be taken about much- loved programmes. But it is not all doom and gloom. Here are six reasons that associations may emerge from the pandemic more resilient.

The pandemic has stimulated many associations to shake off a “we have always done it that way” mentality. Many have stepped back and, in some cases, changed focus, which could lead to longer-term strategic benefits. Internal processes have been rethought. There have been new discussions about member benefits and more time spent considering the creation of partnerships. 1 DISRUPTION CAN FOSTER INNOVATION


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