

COVID-19 has proven that the mobile oce can work. If associations can harness this, it will open them up to a wider and more diverse workforce. Associations can downsize ‘bricks and mortar’ i.e., their physical headquarters, with hot-desking and remote working. Using association management companies to scale up or down in certain areas can increase agility. Sta have acquired new skills – particularly about digital events and risk management. e past year has also shown how important technology is, and this can convince association leaders that investments in upgrading and expanding technology, such as utilising articial intelligence fully, can help their organisations do things faster and cheaper. All our clients have successfully implemented virtual board and other governance meetings. ese tend to be shorter, more focused, and more ecient. Removing the constraints of busy diaries, and the need to travel has resulted in higher attendance. When we move back to in-person meetings, some of the learning will be carried forward. And meeting, hotel and travel costs have been saved. Every challenging situation presents opportunities. Associations that focus on the positives of the past year rather than trying to recreate what was done before will be better positioned for the future. IT IS POSSIBLE TO GOVERN VIRTUALLY 6 A HEADQUARTERS THAT IS MORE AGILE, MORE SKILLED, AND MORE COST EFFECTIVE 5

Most associations understand that one of the best ways to deal with the current crisis is to reach out and engage more than ever with their members and the wider community to ensure that their needs are being met. Examples include callingonmembers’expertise/experience to serve the entire community, more online activity in members’ areas, more advocacy, increased collaboration with other societies and with patient groups. Some associations have also oered programmes for free that have previously been restricted to their membership base. Targeted actions to specic membership segments have also proven to be successful.

Some associations have also oered

programmes for free that have previously been restricted to their membership base.


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