
from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific islands who have not been able to attend past meetings in the USA and Europe. “The highlight will certainly be the convention centre and its close proximity to hospitality venues,” she adds. She also believes that the adventure trips to the reef, rainforest and other indigenous sites organised by Tourism Tropical North Queensland will guarantee delegates stay on in Cairns after the conference to enjoy the “unparalleled beauty of North Queensland”. ThetriennialInternationalCongresson Plant Molecular Biology was postponed from this year and will take place in late October 2022. The bid was mounted by a group of 60 plant scientists led by Associate Professor Joshua Mylne from the University of Western Australia and won in 2018. “The support and

collaboration of the Cairns Convention Centre together with Federal and State Government backing was pivotal in helping us to secure this congress which will increase the international profile of our Australian scientists and deliver significant outcomes for the agricultural sector,” he says. In September 2023, a global symposium of the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) will be held at the centre, hosted by CIGRE Australia, one of the 60 national committees underpinning the CIGRE community. Hamilton adds, “We feel very positive about the future and will continue to keep in touch with our overseas clients so when borders open we will be ready to visit and engage once they have the confidence to bring their conference to Cairns.”

CONTACT Kylie Brand Business Development Manager Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef T: +617 4015 1239 E: businessevents@ ttnq.org.au

Below Outdoor gathering at Cairns Convention Centre


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