
and pursue a more targeted approach to bidding for events. Cities with high ‘harnessing ratios’ – those where there was a strong correlation between number of international meetings hosted and local leaders – included Prague (89.7%), Vancouver (74.1%), Dublin (70.4%), Montreal (68.7%) Berlin, (60.2%) and Lisbon (64.6%). A high ratio suggests convention bureaux in these cities might be better at engaging with local board members when bidding for events. London has a low ratio of just 16.6%and New York even lower at 7.6%. It could just be that the size of these cities makes identifying potential ambassadors too onerous a task. Singapore was the only top 20 city to have a high harnessing ration (47.3%).


SINGAPORE, WHOSE response to the coronavirus pandemic has been widely praised, is now in the vanguard of eorts to kickstart international business events. e city-state will allow 750-delegate meetings from April 24. One of the few nations to implement an eective contact tracing system, Singapore is turning to technology again to get people meeting face to face. Its most eye-catching initiative sees business travellers swerving quarantine by entering an elaborate ‘bubble’, involving dedicated airport transfers, oor-to-ceiling glass partitions, one-way doors, shopping apps, and ‘contactless gyms’. e pilot scheme at Singapore Expo – called Connect@Changi – is aimed at facilitating small meetings of senior leaders, legal negotiators, wealth managers, private bankers, and sales directors, who can ‘see’ their local hosts (through a glass divider), without breathing on them. Meanwhile ag-carrier Singapore Airlines signed up to trial the ‘rst full deployment’


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