
Screening for Breast Cancer The aim of breast cancer screening is to reduce mortality rates by detecting breast cancer earlier. When breast cancer is detected at an earlier stage, most patients have more treatment options, less invasive treatment and a better chance of surviving the disease. Breast cancer screening looks for earlier signs of breast cancer, usually by mammography. The most effective way to detect breast cancer earlier in average risk women is to offer regular screening to all eligible women in the population – before signs or symptoms of the disease are noticed, including tumours that are too small to feel. This is known as a “population health” approach because it is offered on a population-wide basis and aims to improve the health of all women in Canada. Population-based breast cancer screening programs in Canada began in the late 1980’s, and have played an important role in helping to reduce breast cancer mortality rates in Canada. As a result of advancements in screening, diagnosis and treatment, breast cancer mortality rates have fallen by 43% since the 1980’s, which means more women are living longer, healthier lives. Screening in Canada Canada’s breast cancer screening programs are run by the provincial and territorial governments. Referred to as “organized” breast cancer screening programs, they are designed to screen the majority of women in Canada who are at average risk of developing breast cancer. Some screening programs in Canada include screening for women at high Organized Breast Cancer

risk for breast cancer, for whom different screening approaches may be used. For more information about breast cancer screening and high risk women see our section on high risk. The benefits of screening with an organized breast cancer screening program include automatic reminders for mammogram screenings, methods for effective follow-up if abnormalities are found, and quality standards to monitor the mammography equipment, image quality, and staff qualifications, knowledge and expertise along with regular performance evaluations to ensure that breast cancers are diagnosed in a timely way. The risk of developing breast cancer is not the same for all women. Depending on the degree of personal risk, there are different strategies for breast cancer screening and risk reduction. Understanding your risk is an important starting point in deciding what is right for you. Whether you are at average, high or intermediate risk will help inform your decisions about breast cancer screening and risk reduction practices. Earlier Detection Saves Lives Advancements in breast cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment have contributed to saving women’s lives, increasing breast cancer survival rates, and improving quality of life as earlier detection leads to less invasive treatment. By helping to prevent deaths, screening plays an important role in women’s health and well-being. Understanding Your Breast Cancer Risk

Ayez vos seins L’OEIL à Le mois d’octobre est celui de la sensibilisation au cancer du sein. Un dépistage précoce augmente les chances de survie, et c’est pourquoi les différentes fondations travaillent toute l’année, mais plus particulièrement en octobre, à sensibiliser les femmes à l’importance de bien connaître leurs seins.

En effet, pour dépister le plus rapidement possible un cancer du sein, il faut être en mesure de déceler le moindre changement de ses seins, ce qui implique de bien les connaître. Il faut donc les observer régulièrement. Il n’y a pas de méthode précise pour pratiquer l’auto-examen des seins : l’important, c’est d’observer attentivement les seins, les mamelons, la clavicule et les aisselles pour pouvoir repérer une éventuelle anomalie. Les changements ne sont pas tous cancéreux. Par exemple, avant les menstruations, il arrive que les seins présentent de petites bosses. Vous devez toutefois consulter un médecin si vous observez un changement persistant tel que : • Une bosse sur un sein (c’est le signe le plus fréquent); • Une modification de la taille ou de la forme des seins; • L’apparition de fossettes ou de plis dans la peau d’un sein; • Une rougeur, une enflure ou une chaleur accrue dans un sein; Un mamelon tourné vers l’intérieur; • Une croûte sur un mamelon ou de petites lamelles de peau qui se détachent.

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