M60 Master – Crown Paints Master M60 Specification – M60 Master
440A Previously coated surfaces generally 1. Preparation: In accordance with BS 6150. 2. Contaminated or hazardous surfaces: Give notice of: 2.1. Coatings suspected of containing lead. 2.2. Substrates suspected of containing asbestos or other hazardous materials. 2.3. Significant rot, corrosion or other degradation of substrates. 3. Suspected existing hazardous materials: Prepare risk assessments and method statements covering operations, disposal of waste, containment and reoccupation, and obtain approval before commencing work. 4. Removing coatings: Do not damage substrate and adjacent surfaces or adversely affect subsequent coatings. 5. Loose, flaking or otherwise defective areas: Carefully remove to a firm edge. 6. Alkali affected coatings: Completely remove. 7. Retained coatings 7.1. Thoroughly clean to remove dirt, grease and contaminants. 7.2. Gloss coated surfaces: Provide key. 8. Partly removed coatings 8.1. Additional preparatory coats: Apply to restore original coating thicknesses. 8.2. Junctions: Provide flush surface. 9. Completely stripped surfaces: Prepare as for uncoated surfaces. 456 Previously coated surfaces – burning off 1. Risk assessment and method statement: Prepare and obtain approval before commencing work. 2. Adjacent areas: Protect from excessive heat and falling scrapings. 3. Exposed resinous areas and knots: Apply two coats of knotting. 4. Removed coatings: Dispose of safely. 456A Previously coated surfaces - removal burning off 1. Risk assessment and method statement: Prepare and obtain approval before commencing work. 2. Adjacent areas: Protect from excessive heat and falling scrapings. 3. Do not damage or scorch timber surface 4. Exposed resinous areas and knots: Burn resin out with a hot air gun and cloth.- care must be taken. Do NOT use a knotting solution 5. Removed coatings: Dispose of safely. 461 Previously coated wood 1. Degraded or weathered surface wood: Take back to provide suitable substrate. 2. Degraded substrate wood: Repair with sound material of same species. 3. Exposed resinous areas and knots: Apply two coats of knotting. 461A Previously coated wood 1. Degraded or weathered surface wood: Take back to provide suitable substrate. 2. Degraded substrate wood: Repair with sound material of same species. 3. Exposed resinous areas and knots: Burn resin out with a hot air gun and cloth.- care must be taken. Do NOT use a knotting solution
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