M60 Master – Crown Paints Master M60 Specification – M60 Master
Preparation 400 Preparation generally 1. Standard: In accordance with BS 6150.
2. Refer to any pre-existing CDM Health and Safety File. 3. Refer to CDM Construction Phase Plan where applicable.
4. Suspected existing hazardous materials: Prepare risk assessments and method statements covering operations, disposal of waste, containment and reoccupation, and obtain approval before commencing work. 5. Preparation materials: Types recommended by their manufacturers and the coating manufacturer for the situation and surfaces being prepared. 6. Substrates: Sufficiently dry in depth to suit coating. 7. Efflorescence salts: Remove. 8. Dirt, grease and oil: Remove. Give notice if contamination of surfaces/ substrates has occurred. 9. Surface irregularities: Remove. 10. Joints, cracks, holes and other depressions: Fill flush with surface, to provide smooth finish. 11. Dust, particles and residues from preparation: Remove and dispose of safely. 12. Water based stoppers and fillers 12.1. Apply before priming unless recommended otherwise by manufacturer. 12.2. If applied after priming: Patch prime.
13. Oil based stoppers and fillers: Apply after priming. 14. Doors, opening windows and other moving parts 14.1. Ease, if necessary, before coating. 14.2. Prime resulting bare areas. 430 Existing ironmongery 1. Refurbishment: Remove old coating marks. Clean and polish
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