Short-Term Care

Short-Term Care Insurance is an Ideal Solution!

• OmniFlex™ enables more individuals to obtain coverage due to its innovative plan design and higher issue ages (up to 89!) • OmniFlex™ is a more affordable alternative to Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi), with flexibility that allows the plan to be customized to fit nearly any budget. • OmniFlex™ can help supplement existing Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) that can have longer elimination periods. • OmniFlex™ has several optional benefits that add great value!

EXAMPLE: Utilizing The Hospital Indemnity Benefit Rider* 6 Day Benefit at $300/Day = $1,800 Cash Benefit This very affordable rider can be added to any OmniFlex™ plan with no additional underwriting . Your cash benefit can help with the significant out-of-pocket costs from a hospital stay. It’s perfect for filling gaps from a Medicare Advantage plan!

*Not available in NH

The Time To Buy Is Now

As with many types of insurance, eligibility is based on health status. Therefore, NOW is the time to purchase a plan before your health status changes and you no longer qualify for coverage.

This brochure provides an overview of your OmniFlex ™ Short-Term Care insurance (STCi) policy. Your agent/producer will provide you with an outline of coverage that includes complete details.

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