Short-Term Care

With the cost of Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) services continuing to rise and health eligibility requirements making it more difficult to qualify, ManhattanLife has developed OmniFlex™ Short- Term Care insurance (STCi) to address the growing need for coverage with an affordable solution. Rising prices have impacted a vast majority of industries, and the health care industry is no exception. For a semi-private Nursing Home room one can expect to pay an average of $260 per night. 2 Private rooms are even higher averaging $297 per night. 2 These figures are expected to continue on an upward trajectory for the foreseeable future. Cost of Care²

Annual Cost for a Private Room $108,405

Annual Cost for a Semi-Private Room $94,900

Estimated Annual Totals in 2030 $123,823 - Semi-Private $141,444 - Private

Did You Know: Almost 40% of those aged 66-69 , and a staggering 47.2% of those over 70 are declined for traditional Long-Term Care Insurance. 3 About 3 of every 5 personal bankruptcies in the United States are a direct result of overwhelming medical expenses — and 78% of these people had traditional health insurance.4

2-4 Source information on back.

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