Short-Term Care

Availability Issue Age Underwriting Policy Type

45 - 89 Simplified Issue Guaranteed Renewable ( $25 One-time Policy Fee Applies)

Base Plan Highlights

$50 - $400 0, 20, 60, or 90 days 90, 180, 270 or 360* days 2x Benefit Period 10 days (Lifetime Max 20 days) Facility Care

Facility Care Daily Benefit Elimination Period Benefit Period Lifetime Maximum Benefit Period Bed Reservation Benefit

$10 Generic / $25 Brand $300 Policy Year Max Built-in Benefits

Prescription Drug Benefit

Waives Elimination Period on Facility Care or Home Health Care Benefits to receive 50% level of accumulated Daily Benefit — perfect for care provided by a spouse**, family or friends. Restores Facility Care or Home Health Care benefits after the 180 days out of care need is satisfied, up to lifetime max benefit period

Fast-50 ™

Restoration of Benefits

Optional Benefits

$50 - $300 0, 20, 60, or 90 days 90, 180, 270 or 360* days 2x Benefit Period Home Health Care

Home Health Care Daily Benefit Elimination Period Benefit Period Lifetime Maximum Benefit Period

If chosen, the Simple Inflation applies to Facility Care as well as Home Health Care, if the Home Health Care Rider is also elected. Simple Inflation Benefit

5% Simple Inflation

$50 - $300 3, 6 or 20 days 180 days Hospital Indemnity Benefit***

Daily Benefit Benefit Period Lifetime Maximum Benefit Period

See policy for details and definitions. *In ID, 360 day benefit period does not apply. **In NV, and OR, spouse or domestic partner; In RI, spouse or civil union partner ***Not available in NH

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