King's Business - 1921-06

MR. AND M R S .’R O B E R T H A R K N E S S a re open fo r e n g a g e m e n ts in S o u th e rn C a li­ fo rn ia d u rin g M ay, J u n é a n d J u ly to ta k e c h a rg e of th e m u sic a t B ib le C o n feren ces a n d E v a n g e lis tic C am p a ig n s. T h ey h av e a few a v a ila b le d a te s fo r p ro g ra m s of sa c re d Song w ith or w ith o u t ste re o p tic o n . F o r te rm s w rite M r. H a rk n e s s , B io la H o tel, L os Á n g eles, Calif.

GET THESE ! ! ! " d Personality) of Satan, Reality of Sin - TKe Blood Atonement. The Capture of Jerusalem - Its Relation to ’Prophecy). Proofs of the Inspiration of the Scripture. Works versus Grace. (Four lessons given at tke Jul$ Conference) 10c eack Published by tke A uthor, M . W . R O U ZEE 540 Soutk Hope Street Los Angeles, California


“GOSPEL SOLOS and DUETS” | A Complete Collection o f Choice Spiritual and Scriptural Songs for the Gospel Singer Scores of evangelistic and church singers who appreciate the I more devotional material, have written of the blessing this | book has been to them. 39 well known writers, 97 songs, 1 wide range of topics. Every song is a good solo—many are ' j excellent for quartettes. Order two copies at $1.00 each. I TOVFY ANL) RROOKS 536 s o u t h h o p e s t r e e t I I V V M D R U O J \k J , LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA | Sllllllll[llllllll!l!lll]|]]]lll!!lll[|[lllllllllll]llllllllllll[|[ll|ll|l!lll|!!|||||]||||||||t||||¡!||||||]||!||||]|||¡||!|||||||||]||||!|||||||||]|||||[[tf||||||||||||||]|||||||||||||||||||||||||j|i|]|||||||||||||||||||]||]|||)|[||[||||l|im|ll|ll|,j|j|[|,|||||||||||||||j||j|||||||j= WhatistheMeaningofArmageddon?^ The question is answered on page 1348 of the Scofield Home-call of this young “Missionary Aviator.” Do you not want a part in this work? Write for particulars. GO R D O N D. G A T E S M EMOR IAL 222 Percy St., Flushing, N .Y . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Home of Nationally Advertised Goods Home Specialists at your service CONVEN IENT C R ED IT TERM S Reference Bible Ed. by Rev. C . I. Scofield, D.D. Helps at all the hard placesin the Bibleon the pageswhere they oc­ cur. Dr. Scofield'shelpsareequal to a Bible study course. New Edition. 2 Sizes. 34 Styles Ask to see the Pocket Edition printed on Oxford aIndia Paper. Circular on request . A t alldealers . [Oxford University Press American Branchl ^ 3 5 West 82d Street v . • New Yoorkifl You Ma$ Have a Native Preacher as your Substitute on the Foreign Mission Field for a Surprisingly Small cost. Scores of men and women all over the w orld are preaching the Gospel today because of the

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