King's Business - 1921-06

Important New Publications We are very glad indeed to announce the Early publication of the following timely books and booklets. They are being issued in response to a persistent, insistent demand for something reliably good on the subjects treated. We believe th a t, each of these will meet a long felt need. Why I Am a Christian B y D r. A . C. D ix o n This is one of the m ost helpful books th at it has ever been our privilege to read. It is not only helpful to the C hristian himself in clarifying his own thinking but we believe it will be most useful to put into the hands of the unsaved. Dr. Dixon, in the foreword says, “I give the line of thought which led me out of doubt into {he clear light of faith; and I pray God th at it may be used of H m to lead others in the same way. P a p e r 5 0 C ents Simple Studies for Bible Beginners B y K eith L. B rook s P astors, Superintendents and Bible Teachers, who have been looking for a series of simple easy lessons on the Fundam ental Doctrines of the C hristian faith for use with new or untaught Christians, will find th at these “Simple Studies” ' have been' prepared to m eet th at very need. They have been arranged w ith the idea of teaching the Student how to study the Bible for himself. Bible references are given, statem ents are partly formulated and the rest left blank for the student to fill in, after studying the passages. They have been prepared too in such a way th at the great lessons are deeply impressed on the mind of the Student. P ric e 15 C ents The Two Genealogies of Jesus B y J. C. S tillion We are sure this is "the^book you have been looking for this long time. No one need ever ask why two genealogies— one in Matthew and one in Luke and so different— if they have this book a t hand for reference. For in it you will find these two genealogies carefully examined—all the light of Scripture being thrown upon them— their points of agreem ent noted and the reasoqs given— their points of disagreement are also pointed out and so thoroughly explained th at you will never again be puzzled over them . This is ju st the book to help you silence the skeptical unbeliever. P a p e r 2 5 C ents

The Trinity B y K eith L. B rook s

Must we believe in the T rinity? If so, why? And how are we to believe in it? We are quite positive th a t you have no questions p u t up to you th at is as hard for you to give satisfactory answers to as for questions in regard to trinue N ature of God. Knowing this to he true Mr. Brooks has prepared this splendid little booklet giving ample Scriptural data from which you can correctly answer any and all questions th at can ever be asked you. P ric e 10 C ents

W e will be glad to receiv e y o u r o rd e r fo r an y or all of these.

T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible. In stitu te of Los A ngeles 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S outh H o p e S treet, Los A ngeles, C alifornia

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