King's Business - 1921-06

“B E ST ” BOO K S A B O U T M ISS IONS A N D M ISS IONAR IE S TH E “B E ST ” BOO K S O N TH E “ ISM S ,” C U LT S A N D FA L SE REL IG IONS T h e Books, Booklets an d T ra c ts listed below w ill b e found to b e scrip- tu ra lly co rre c t a n d en tirely tru stw o rthy . If b o o k s are to b e sen t b y m ail a d d 10 p e r c e n t fo r po stage. C hristian Science C hristian Science in the L ight of Holy Scripture. I. M. Haldeman.....;...............$1.50' Seventh-Day Adventism and the Atone­

m ent. W illiam E aston.......... ......................... 02 Seventh-Day Adventism—Is It True? T ract per doz....................................................10 Spiritualism Spiritualism— Its Origin and Character. jjD. M. Panton.......... ..................................... .20 Spiritualism—Divine, Devilish or Decep­ tion—W hich? W. E. Biederwolf......... . .20 Spiritism . F. E. M arsh......... .................... ...... .10 The Philosophy of Spiritualism . A rthur W. Pink .................. 05 The Revival of Spiritualism . Henry C. Buell ............................................ Spiritualism Forbidden of God..............................05 Dangers and E rrors of Spiritualism ................... 02 Delivered from Spiritism . P er doz....................10 Can the Dead Communicate w ith the Liv­ ing? I. M. Haldeman......•_............ ......... 1.25 Spiritism and the Fallen Angels. Jam es M. G ray ..................................................... 1.25 C atholicism The Advance of Rome. . D. M. Panton..............20 The Scarlet Woman or The Revival of Romanism. I. M. Haldeman........................ 15 Roman Catholic Doctrines Examined. Keith L. Brooks ................._....................... ............ . jq The Roman Catholic Mass and the Bible! C. C. Cook .............................................. M orm onism Mormonism—The Islam of America. Bruce. Kinney .. ....... ................ .................. Cloth 1.25 Mormonism Under the Searchlight. W. E. Biederwolf ............................ .20 Mormonism Today—And Its Remedy. Rev! J. D. N utting..................................i.......:' .12 The True Mormon Doctrine. Rev. J. d ! N utting ........................... ................. ............. .05 New T h o u g h t The Fallacy of New Thought. A rthur C. Zepp .................... ....................... .................. .10 New Thought—Its, Origin, N ature and Op­ position to the Word of God. Frank S. W eston ............................................................ 02 W hat Is New Thought. Jennie M. Day....!. !o 2 E vo lu tion Theistic Evolution Considered. F airhurst The O ther Side of Evolution. Alexander P atterson ...........I...,.......!...............(Cloth) 1.00 The Collapse of Evolution. Prof. L uther „ T o w n s e n d .................................. (Paper) .25 W hat About Evolution ? W. H. Griffith Thomas .................... ....................... (Paper) .10 The T ruth About Evolution. Philip Mauro .................... (Paper) .05 Reconstruction—The F acts Against Evo­ lution. Dr. A. C. Dixon............(Paper) .15

The Religio-Medical Masquerade. A Com« plete Exposure of Christian Science. Frederick W. Peabody.........;................... 1.25 The Antidote to C hristian Science. James M. Gray......_....... 4 .;.....ii....................... .75 The Real Key to C hristian Science. Rich« ard L. Swain.-.i..................:...v.t..^.;.__ _... .60 The Modern Siren. R obert M. Hall............ .75 An Expose of C hristian Science. French E. Oliver .................... .25 Why I Am Not a Christian Scientist. Wil­ liam Evans .......; .................................................20 Why 1 Left C hristian Science. Ex-Rabbi Max W ertheim er L...i..i............_.15 The C hristian Science Delusion, A. C. Dixon .15 The Unvarnished F acts A bout Christian Science. W. E. Biederwolf.................... .20 Mental A ssassination or Christian Science a Physical, Intellectual, Moral, and Spiritual Peril. I. M .'H aldem an...................10 C hristian Science and the Word of *God. Franklin Hulhig ........ 10 Divine Healing and C hristian Science. Wm. B. Riley _................................................10 My Experience in ChristianScience.....................05 Is It a Key to the Scriptures........................ .02 Christian Science Tested by Ten Great Fundam entals. K eith L. Brooks. 3c, 30c per doz.; $2.00 per 100 The Masterpiece of Satan. St. Clement............01 Russellism Why^ I reject the Helping H and of Millen­ nial Dawn. W. C. Stevens__.............. ....40 Russellism Unveiled. W. B.Biederwolf..............20 W hat are the Doctrines of Millennial Dawn—“The Plan of the Ages” com­ pared with the word of God. John Macdonald ............................ io Millennial Dawnism. I. M. Haldeman........ ,10 A G reat Counterfeit or The False and Blasphemous Religion called Russell­ ism and Millennial Dawnism. I. M. Haldeman .................1.1.™_.......__ ......... __ .10 Russellism Tested By Ten G reat Funda­ m entals. Keith L. Brooks 4c; 40c per doz.; $3.00 per 100 T heo sophy Modern Theosophy. Mersene Elon Sloan.. .35 S ev en th -D ay A dv en tism Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced by D. M. Canright ...................................... P aper .90 Cloth 1.50 Sunday—N either Catholic nor Pagan. D. M. Canright ............................................... 1.50 Ought C hristians to Keep the S abbath? Dr. R. A. Torrey...............................................15 Seventh-Day Adventism—The Result of a Predicam ent. W. E. Biederwolf.................. 20


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