King's Business - 1921-06

k I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



RELIGIOUS OSTRICHES Mr. Spurgeon, in one of his sermons, goes after the professing Chris­ tians who swallow any kind of a doctrine simply because its teacher is “ a clever man. ’’ They never make any careful searching of the Scriptures on their own account. They take their spiritual food in ready prepared capsules and gulp it down, asking .no questions. He compares them to ostriches, which have a marvelous power of swallowing anything that is tossed at them, regardless of shape, size or color. That there is a great flock of these religious ostriches is seen from the multitude who daily gulp down Bddyism, Russellism, Spiritism and dozens of other ‘‘isms ’—all in the name of the Bible. But let us come nearer home. Are there not many of these ostriches in orthodox churches? Some ministers and teachers have fallen into the bad habit of making the most radical statements in the most positive way, with never a word of evidence from the Scriptures in their support. Should Christians swallow all thé teaching they hear merely because it is given by a prominent min­ ister in logical form and with eloquent delivery? Should not even orthodox ministers in these times be exceedingly careful to substantiate their views by ample proof from the Word of God? In view of the peculiar religious perils of the day, one writer has sounded the following warning which we believe every Christian may well considér. “I t is an exceedingly perilous sta te of th ing s when men, be th ey ever so gifted and learned, come to reg a rd them selves and to be regard ed by o thers as ‘au tho rities’ who need n o t to re fe r to proof from Scripture in support of th e ir statem ents. Few of th e Lord’s people are aw are of th e extent to which they are exposed to th is peculiar danger. A w rite r who assumes to in stru c t th e people of God in reg a rd to th e th ing s of God, should always give th e word of th e Lord upon which his statem en ts are based. A rea d er should accept no statem en t of any hum an au tho rity , however em inent, w ithou t clear and ample supporting proof and w ithout seeing fo r him self th a t th e proof adduced fully establishes th e th ing asserted.” By this it is not meant that Christians should become hyper-critical, seeking to catch up a speaker or writer on non-essential points, which would simply result in useless hair splitting. However, from the many letters containing Bible questions which come to our office, we have seen more and more a tendency on the part of some to express ideas purely on their own assumption, and often, in replying to our correspondents, we are forced to acknowledge that we know of nb Scripture proof in support of the teachings. Oftentimes the words of the Lord Jesus Himself have been totally set aside, and of this peril we are clearly warned in the Scripture (1 Tim. 6 : 3 - 4 ^ : : , ;AK' ■ .:-C- —y y" j It would be a great blessing to the church if there were more of the old fashioned Christians who “ searched the Seriptkres daily whether those things were so.” It is this class that comprise the “ nobility” according to Acts 17:11. K. L. B.

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