King's Business - 1921-06

543 inates them . When they begin to re­ joice in God, eager only for His sm ile of approval, and always happy in th e con­ sciousness of His “well done,” th eir sp iritual life is a t flood tide. Such a revival will make them do rig h t in th e d ark or in a strange city, w here they are not known, and in th e fam ily where they know th e ir sins will not be pub­ lished. “T ru th th en springs out of the earth , and righteousness looks down from heaven.” There is harmony be­ tween earth and heaven. “Thy will be done on ea rth ,” is being realized. If everybody on earth had th is a ttitu d e of m ind and h eart, th e re would be no need of going to heaven. Heaven would be here. God’s throne of righteousness and peace would be established among men. How Can I t Be P rocu red? , Now the burning question of the hour is, How can such a sp iritu al re­ vival w ith - such resu lts be brought about? By doing two things. 1.— By P rayer. Only God is equal to th e task, and God works in answer to prayer. Andrew Murray says th a t God, in His relation to His people, works only in answer to prayer. If we tru st sermon, song,"' money, education, and organization, we will get w hat these things can do, and th a t may be some­ thing. But if we tru st God and express th a t tru s t in prayer, we will get w hat God can do, and th a t in present condi­ tion s is th e one th ing worth while. “When they had prayed, th e place was shaken, where they were assembled.” Only God can shake a place. While P au l and Silas prayed, th e ja il doors were shaken open. When E lijah prayed for drought, th e rain ceased; and when he prayed again for rain, it came. While Jo n ath an Edwards preached one Sun­ day morning in Northampton, th e peo­ ple trem bled and a revival began, which shook th is continent, because a com­ pany of men and women had spent the previous n igh t in prayer and sat before

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S ag ain?” God is th e au tho r of life and gives life abundantly. The need of a revival implies life a t a low ebb. More life is needed. "W ith Thee, O God, is th e fountain of life.” Let us bring th e empty vessel of our need under th e overflowing fountain of God’s life, and we are revived. Is faith decadent or dorm ant? Bring it into touch w ith God, and it will be strengthened by th e in­ fusion of new life. Is love cold and life­ less? B ring it into touch w ith God. Is hope feeble and futile? B ring it into touch w ith God. Is moral courage fail­ ing? Let th e life of God touch it. The need of today is a realizing sense of God. “T hat th e people may rejoice in Thee.” In many th e God-conscious­ ness is gone. “He th a t cometh to God must believe that-H e is and th a t He is a rew arder of them th a t diligently seek H im”— no t His. We need an apprecia­ tion of th e Giver above th e gift, th e Lover above th e love, th e Saviour above th e salvation, th e Sanctifier above th e sanctification, th e Glorifier above th e glory. To do th is we must believe th a t God is. It is ra th e r easy to believe th a t He was: th a t in th e d istan t past He created all things and He has mani­ fested H imself to ancient peoples. But is He today “ Immanuel, God w ith u s?” It is easy also to believe th a t God will be. Things are out of joint, and He will sometime come on the scene and set them to rights. But our need is th a t we realize a God-consciousness in th e present tense and w ith all our h earts believe th a t th e God who was and will be is now, and th a t “He is a re­ w arder of them th a t diligently seek H im .” This is th e -index to a tru e sp iritu al revival, which will produce th e best ethical results. Such a revival is de­ fined in the words, “T h at th y people may rejoice in Thee.” While God’s peo­ ple rejoice in His blessing more th an in Himself, the Blesser, th e ir sp iritu al life is at a low ebb. A pious selfishness dom-

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