King's Business - 1921-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S all th e ir intercourse he irresistibly- charged w ith th e Evangel of Jesus? Adventurous A ttack Notice also th e delightful and frank boldness of Jesus in H is attack upon Zacchaeus. .There is g reat humour to be found in th e story when closely studied. Driven by th e deep hidden w istfulness of his soul to seek Jesus, Zacchaeus fails in his attem p t to get through th e crowd because of his lack of statu re. It is hardly likely th e peo­ ple would make way for such as he. B u t he is a man of resource and he re­ members th e sycamore tree. He h u r­ ries on ahead of th e crowd till he tu rn s th e bend in th e road. I ’m sure th ere was a bend in th e road ju s t there, other­ wise Zacchaeus would never have found pluck enough to climb .th a t tree. It would indeed have been funny to see th is little rich man casting his E astern dignity to th e winds and climbing th a t tree. A t last;, snugly hidden among the leaves, he feels secure from obser­ vation and is ready to enjoy a full view of Jesus. Along th e road comes the Saviour w ith th e crowd and stops be­ n eath th e trees. Then, oh! consterna­ tion! Jesus looks up a t th e sycamore tree and calls, “Zacchaeus! come down!” Fancy giving th e whole show away like th at! Yes, it is very funny! Yet_ if Jesus had said and done nothing hut th a t it m ight have been tragic too, for Zacchaeus m ight have resented being made th e b u tt of th e crowd’s humour. Jesus, however, was never lacking in tact, and to His humorous exposure of Zacchaeus, He adds th e high compli­ ment from a Rabbi of inviting H imself to th e ex tortioner’s house. By th a t sim­ ple tu rn of the situation Jesus found H is way rig h t into th e h ea rt of Zac­ chaeus. T h at was all He cared for. Convention, th e opinion of the crowd, His own repu tation— these m attered nothing beside His concern for th is struggling soul. There was nothing of th a t kind of cheap self-preservation

about th is Divine evangelist. Tact and boldness, an understanding of human n atu re and courageous frankness, a tru e psychology and a power of adventurous attack , th e re is th e ideal combination for the soul-winner. Cannot the mod­ ern disciple of Jesus learn of Him these things? “He th a t is wise w inneth souls.” The Church today is woefully' lacking in this power of attack and the reason is not far to seek. She is too sensitive-—which means th a t her mem­ bers are too sensitive—to the conven­ tions of mere respectability, to the tra ­ ditions and opinions of public society. Where th ere is fear of men passion can hardly th rive and so th e modern Church is singularly lacking in passion for the one purpose for which h er Lord called her into being. The Son of Man came to seek and to save th e lost. His Church today seems to spend most of her streng th in coddling the saints. Values of Conversion Yet it would requ ire very few tri­ umphs of a real Christian evangelism for th e unique .joy of it to kindle a blaze of enthusiasm . If we dwelt w ith th e m ind of Jesus in th is m a tte r He would rem ind us of th e inestim able value of converting a soul genuinely to God, The Evangelism of Jesus in th e case of Zacchaeus. had far-reaching results. Think of its social value! Many a home sunk in unde­ served poverty received four-fold for its cruel loss. Think of its home value! I don’t know whether Zacchaeus was married or not, bu t if so I can imagine his wife singing perpetual hallelujahs to the Name of Jesus for restoring the soul of her husband. Ah! th e home value of th a t new life which comes to men in Christ. Think of the individual value! How much happier a companion Zacchaeus was henceforth fo r himself. If we could once tru ly envisage these values of conversion we should esteem it the supreme privilege of our life here on earth to he able to befriend other

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