King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


little H aitian war fleet, followed me— purposely, as I learned afterw ards. Soon he had brought out a photograph of his th ree little children; and when I asked him if he was leading them to Heaven,, he said, “B u t w hat is the way? How can I be saved, so th a t I may save th em ?” By this tim e we were only five m inutes from Bristol, where, in the con­ fusion of a g reat station, we must p art forever. Feeling overwhelmed— for I had only five m inutes in which to point a soul to God— Xcould only concentrate on the Blood of the Lamb, Isaiah ’s slaugh­ tered Messiah; and I shall never forget the grip of the hand on th e platform, from one whose rad ia n t face I expect to. see in the. throng which surrounds the Throne. THAT IS THÉ FIVE MIN­ UTES WE NOW HAVE! “And the Spirit of the Lord caught away P h ilip !” The labou rer’s task is over, the desert jou rney is ended, the la st work has been accomplished, and the last soul won. „ Philip is gone! Solemn hour— thus on the margin of th a t wondrous day When the form er things have vanish’d, Old things pass’d away; Nothing bu t H imself before us, E very shadow pass’d— Sound we loud o u r word of witness, F o r it is th e last. One last word of solemn warning, To th e world below, One loud shout th a t all may h ear us Hail Him, ere we go! Once more let th a t Name be sounded W ith a trum p et tone-— Here, am id th e growing shadows; Then, before the Throne. (F rom “One by One” ) THE SOUL W INNER’S CALL The late A. B. Simpson wrote thus of his call: “I got my missionary call one night during weeks of great agony. I. seemed

to see a vast temple holding millions of .m en. At one end was a vast platform where at least one hundred thousand Chi­ nese were standing, and the Lord was looking down upon them w ith com­ passion, .and they were w ringing th e ir hands in despair. I never saw such looks of agony. I never saw such pathos and tenderness. I awoke from my dream bathed in perspi­ ration', and I threw myself on my face by my bedside, and I said, “Lord, I under­ stand, only let 'me go.” I needed no com­ mand; I had seen a vision. And so, be­ loved, these days the vision has again been brought to us from the Congo, from the dark Soudan, and China, and Annam, and Tibet, and South America and Mount ?i°n. Oh, let the Lord speak to your hearts, and let every life and every heart answer, “Enough, Lord. Oh take me, use me, help me to wipe away these tears.” THE NATURE OF GRACE To do evil for good, is human corrup­ tion; to do good for good, is civil retri­ bution; but to do good for evil, is Chris­ tian perfection. Though this be not the grace of nature, yet. it is the nature of grace.—William Seeker.

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