King's Business - 1921-06


BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK MRS. LYMAN STEWART, Supt. “Be ye no t unequally yoked together w ith unbelievers.” How many people do not know, or do not realize th a t an unbeliever is one who does not Accept th e blood atonem ent, w hatever name ' they may bear, or whatever th e de­ nom ination or cult to which they belong. A few years since th e re came out from th e E ast a school teacher, a member of an orthodox church, bu t pledged to be­ come the wife of a man who was a Spiritist. The agreem ent was th a t she should go w ith her husband to his “ church” th ree Sundays of th e month, he to go w ith her one Sunday. F inally she was brought into one. of the Bible classes, was th e subject of much prayer and earn est work on th e p art of all the members of thè class. It was painful to watch the gradual hardening process as week by week she resisted the testi­ mony of the Word. A fter nearly two years of patien t effort, th e Bible woman felt led to bring " th e m a tte r to a direct issue, and gave her Sidney W at­ son’s story “The L u re of a Soul.” She read it, b u t became violently angry, and remained away from the classes. Last week one of th e members of th e class called on her, to find a tiny baby in h er arm s, and g reat joy in th e h eart over th e Tittle one. The Christian woman, wanting to draw her ou t in conversation, said to her: “ I am so. glad th a t I have had the -Lord to help me in th e try ing things I have been th rough .” In reply, th e Spiritist, who had now entirely abandoned all her church relations, pointed to th e “ spirit p ictu re” of a lame girl on the wall and answered “T hat is my help.” The next week she had passed into eternity. It is hard to feel th a t th e message of life may be tu rned by some into a message of death, bu t we believe in th is case th a t it was so. The unsaved woman knowing th a t she must make a final d e ­ cision, rejected the Lord and chose th e doctrine of demons. A W ife’s P ra y e r Answered A young m arried woman became in-

tensely interested in Bible study, a t­ tending two classes regularly each week. W ith increasing knowledge of the Word her prayer life became more full of meaning, and the burden of her unsaved husband pressed heavily upon her. F riends joined w ith her in intercession, and day and n igh t her prayer ascended for his salvation. A large building upon which the man was engaged as a brick-mason suddenlj collapsed one day, and by a miracle, it seemed, his life was spared. The fact of his narrow escape from m eeting death as an unsaved man startled him, and he agreed to his w ife’s assertion: “This is God’s way of answering my prayer, and His way of calling you.” The Spirit of God caught and held his atten tion while th e way of salvation was unfolded, and quietly bu t definitely th is man accepted Christ as his Savior. W ith a new Bible in his hands, he is now tracing out for him self the story of God’s wondrous love and power to save, and has himself become a member of one of th e Bible classes in which his wife has found such help. Back to li. A. to Get Saved A Los A ngeles young woman who once knew th e Lord drifted back into a life of worldliness, giving herself up to society life in th e city of New York. In th e m idst of her pleasure-seeking th ere were tim es of such intense longing for God th a t she sought out some Chris­ tian workers to find sp iritual help, but for some reason she failed to find th e way back to Him. F inally she re ­ tu rn ed to Los Angeles, and th e follow­ ing night attended a Bible class. A fter the class, w ith a joyous face shining through her tears, .she exclaimed, “Now I know why I came back to Los An­ geles. At last I have found my Lord again.” Bible fo r th e Blues A young man, confined to the house in a wheeled chair, signed up a Pocket Testam ent not long ago. He said re­ cently to th e worker, “You know a fel­ low cannot help getting down and blue once in a while, bu t every tim e I pull this little Book out and search through

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