King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


it a while, I find com fort and peace, and I wonder how I ever did w ithout it.. Probably I ju st d rifted along like a g reat many others do, w ithout any hope, and not knowing th ere was any hope for a fellow. I t’s wonderful! How I wish every one knew of it! ” *EflSG JEWISH WORK JAS. A. VAUS, Superintendent Persecutions and massacres of Jews in European countries are causing many thousands of Jew s to flee to America, which has ever proved a haven of refuge for th e oppressed of all lands. The in­ crease in Jewish population is especially noticeable in th e larger cities of th e United States, and Los Angeles is no' ex­ ception to th is- rule, for on every side one is confronted w ith th é evidences of th is increase. Houses and stores, long vacant in the Jewish quarters, are all filled and' new stores and houses h a v e 1 been bu ilt to accommodate th e new­ comers. The streets in these districts are filled w ith Jew ish boys and girls, men and women, and opportunities for service have never before been equaled. New Mission Home God has wonderfully answered prayer for us and given us a new Mission Home for our Jewish work. I t is located in one of th e largest Jewish d istricts in the city, and the work among th e Jewish boys and girls has already been started there. The first of a series of Hebrew- Christian Bible classes has also been conducted. Lack of space forbids our giving the many in teresting happenings in our work among the Jew s during th e last month so we must necessarily confine ourselves to one incident. A Jewess Settles th e Question Some months ago a class in Hebrew was conducted by th e Superintendent of the Jewish D epartm ent for the benefit of some Christian friends who were in­ terested in the evangelization of the Jews. One member of th e class, who had an intense love for God’s people— Israel—called on a certain Jewess and reasoned w ith her from th e Scriptures concerning Jesus of Nazareth. The caller’s sincere love for th e Jews and th e fact th a t she' was struggling w ith a difficult language like Hebrew to b etter prepare herself to understand and help Jew ish people, and, th a t she was plan­ ning to go to P alestine as a m issionary to th e Jews, all made a profound im­ pression on -this Jewess. H er people

had not been orthodox Jews, so she had none of the usual Jew ish prejudices to overcome. She reasoned tha’t th e re must be something sup ern atu ral in Christianity or th is young woman would not leave home and loved ones to go among people who would m isunderstand and, perhaps, b itterly oppose h er efforts to evangelize them . When it was clearly shown her in th e Old T estam ent th a t Jesus fitted th e description given th e re of th e Jew ish Messiah, and, afte r re­ ceiving satisfactory answers to scores of questions th a t had troubled her, she be­ came a follower of Jesus Christ. She is very happy in the Lord and very zealous in telling the “ old story” to others. She is planning to w rite to some of her rela­ tives and tell of her experience tlfough she expects th a t some of them will make things hard for her. Recently on being confronted w ith th e Bible teaching con­ cerning the eternal punishm ent of th e wicked, she became very much troubled about her fath e r who had died some tim e before. She asked about the n a tu re of th is punishm ent and if it was really tru e th a t those who reject Christ are etern ­ ally lost. Oh being referred to w hat th e Bible ta u g h t she then asked, “ If I read th e Bible much and pray often and try to win many souls, don’t you think th a t maybe God^will forgive my fa th e r’s sin s?” As the worker explained th a t salvation was all of grace, and th a t one m an’s virtues could not be tran sferred to another, she could not b u t see w hat a convincing argum ent th is was for giv­ ing the Gospel to the Jews. M jfe SEAMEN’S WORK OSCAR ZIMMERMANN, Supt. .On a certain vessel some of th e men were very busy, some sitting around in groups, while others were sleeping a fte r a watch on deck th e night before. T racts were given out by the worker, some books were left w ith men in different p arts of the ship, and some personal work was done, b u t th e re were no defi­ nite decisions for Christ by those spoken to. P ray er w ent up th a t th e man m ight be found who was to be definitey reached on th a t visit to th e ship and sure enough in a few moments a colored fellow was found leaning against the rail doing nothing. The man was approached,

seemed interested, and became a good listener. When asked his name, he said, v“My name is John th e B aptist; th a t’s w hat I ’m called.” The worker doubted

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