King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


and he made a beautiful decision for .Christ. F ittin g Close to An E aster On th e same ship th a t beautiful Eas­ te r day a th ird man accepted Christ as his personal Savior. The worker was by th a t tim e so tired, having dealt long w ith these o th er men, th a t when two men were found in a small cabin, one trying to sleep, the other w riting a letter home, i t was though t th a t to leave a mes­ sage in p rin t and give a testimony would be best. However God, saw to it th a t a little line in th e le tte r th a t th e man was w riting fairly jum ped ou t'from tlie page to meet th e eyes of th e worker, w ithout his desire to see a word th a t th e man was w riting. The line ran thu s: “ Good night, my darling, and God protect you.” It was th e close of the le tte r he had been w riting to his wife and children. “God pro tect you.” Here was a man who seem ingly knew something of God. The w orker pictured the little home so far away and an intense desire came over him to see th is dear man come under th e real protecting hand of God, under th e blood th a t covers and pro­ tects. So th e worker forgot his weari­ ness and had the joy of pointing this man to th e Lord! He accepted Christ and was happy.. He promised to w rite home in th a t same le tte r th a t he had done th e one thing needful. No one had ever made clear to him th a t God had a special way in which He does protect. Will you not follow this man and his loved ones w ith prayer th a t afte r these days of hardships and separation, they may all be united to Him and re st in th e F a th e r’s house from all toil and strife? “He th a t goeth fo rth and weepeth, bearing, precious seed, shall doubtless come again w ith rejoicing, bringing his sheaves.” We desire to bear testim ony to the tru th of th is passage w ith which we head our article for th is month. A fter a tim e of faith fu l sowing of th e seed and w atering it w ith our prayers and tears, we -became somewhat desperate because we did not see imm ediate re­ sults. Then we though t of John Knox praying th a t wonderful prayer, “Give me Scotland or I die,” and in our desper­ ation also cried out to th e Lord, “ Give us souls or we die.” . Well, praise God, SPANISH WORK ROBERT H. BENDER, Supt.

first th a t such was the case, thinking th a t was his nickname, hu t it was proved th a t th is really was his name, perhaps Christian parents having so named him. He seemed to know something of the Fo rerunn er of Christ and somehow the worker could no t help thinking, as he began th e conversation, “Oh, if th is fel­ low here who carries such an honored name could only be a real follower of th e L o rd !” The man became more and more convinced of his sin, and finally accepted Christ as his personal Savior. An E aster Decision One vessel, dropping anchor in our h arbo r afte r a long journey, was visited on E aster Sunday. F a r from England’s shore th a t day as they were, these men could not help tninking of home and loved ones and of th e day,— Easter. They seemed ra th e r more inclined th an usual to ta lk of things of th e Gospel and as 'they were found in th e ir cabins, won­ derful opportunities presented them ­ selves for personal work. It was an experience no t soon to be forgotten th a t crowned th e efforts of th e worker th a t day in the work of the Lord on the ships. The first man encountered was a fine officer and it was easy to deal w ith him as apparently he was eager to know. He had been spoken to often by relatives b u t as is th e case so fre­ quently, the m a tte r of a decision had not been pressed. Question a fte r ques­ tion was answered an d difficulties re­ moved. L ittle by little th e ligh t came in and his was a fine, clearcut decision for Christ. A Catholic Sees th e L ight Then on th e same ship a young Catho­ lic fellow was met who was ra th e r hos­ tile and only afte r some effort was he won over to listen to th e Word. He would not tak e th e Scripture portion offered b u t when asked if he thought th e re was a P ro te sta n t God and a Cath­ olic God, he had to adm it th a t he be­ lieved th a t th ere was bu t one God, and acknowledged th a t before God, the C reator of the heavens and th e earth, who is no respecter of persons, all stand before Him as sinners. Showing him also th a t th ere is only one Mediator be­ tween God and man, the man Christ Jesus, he had to acknowledge th a t he was not a Christian. When he finally said th a t he would accept Christ, he was asked if th a t m eant th e forsaking of th e man-made teachings of Rome? I t was made very plain to him w h at it m eant for him to become a Christian,

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