King's Business - 1921-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

over an hour w e-taught tuem ju st what these passages meant. As a resu lt th e th ree a t last definitely accepted Christ and all thank ed God for His salvation. L ater in th e evening we happened to call in a room where th ree young men were, two of whom had heard th e mes­ sage in a previous visit. We asked them if they had accepted Christ and one of th e fellows, a fine looking young man, Said, “Well, I do believe in God and in Jesus Christ, b u t I can’t say th a t I am saved because I don’t 'w ant to b e pre- - sumptuous.” We said, “ Let us Sit down and see w hat God says,” and then went over John 3:36, 5:24 and 1 John 5:9-13 finally ending w ith Eph. 2:8, 9. As he read, it became clear to him , and afte r he had read it two or th ree times, we said, “How are we saved?” and he re­ plied, “ Oh, I see it now. We are saved by grace.” “Do you believe it? ” we asked, and hd replied th a t he did. “Now,” we said, “ are you saved?” and he said, “Yes, by th e grace of God.” Then tu rn ing to his companions, ' his face rad ian t, he told them he was saved by grace. When we left, he accom­ panied us to our auto and •said, “ I would like to spend a whole day with you th a t you m ight in stru ct me and fell me how to ta lk to my b ro th er and win | him fo r Christ.” The W ork Goes On We could relate many o th er incidents of interest. L ast n igh t th ree young men confessed Christ as th e ir Saviour. One of our converts who had gone to his home in Mexico, appeared th e other evening in our Bible Class and told of having read th e Scriptures to his fa th e r' and mother. As he left them to retu rn to California, his mother said she wished he would leave his T estam ent so th a t she m ight read it. Thus God is blessing His Word and giving us sheaves to bring w ith us in th a t day. Please remember to pray for these new converts th a t they may be established in th e tru th . gags ¿Me. BIOLA HALL WORK DAVID CANT, Supt. I suppose a conservative estim ate of our personal interviews w ith men con­ cerning th e ir relationship to our Lord Jesu s average over two hundred weekly, and notw ithstanding all the queer no­ tions and strong delusions we ru n across, God is gathering ou t jewels for H is crown every day. Among th e men who have received Him as Savior and

because of these trials, which draw us n earer to Him Whose we are and Whom we serve. In answer to our cry souls have been born into th e kingdom , this past month being one of th e most fru it­ ful in our m inistry. H ungry F o r th e Message In one camp we were visiting from house to house, and meeting some fam ­ ilies who were believers, were asked to pray for a sick woman. When we left th is house, a woman stood outside and said, “There is a fam ily down th ere th a t w ant you to go to them and give them a message.” We caned th ere and found them quite receptive to the tru th . As we were leaving th is house,- a man, standing in his doorway, called to us, “Won’t you come in and tell us of the Gospel, too?” and as we entered, we were rem inded of the incident recorded in the ten th chapter of th e Acts, when Cornelius said- to Peter, “Now th e re­ fore we are' all here present before God, to hear all things th a t are commanded thee of God.” There were several g ath­ ered to hear th e message and it was a delight to see them so receptive to th e tru th , j A B righ t Mexican Jewel On arriv ing a t a certain camp we met about twenty-five young men who had recently arrived. A fter some prelim in­ ary words we gave th e Gospel message and although it was tim e for th e men to prepare th e ir supper, they said th a t they p referred to hear th e Word-of God first. Most of th e men were respectful and atten tiv e, removing th eir h a ts and sittin g quietly while we delivered th e message. A fterward a group of young men gathered around us, th re e of them saying th a t they agreed w ith the sta te­ ments we had made. We then asked them if they were believers and they said they were, one producing his New T estam ent and showing us th e date on which he had made his decision. Being desirous of w inning some of th e others, th e invitation was given. A fter a b it of hesitation a b righ t young man said, “ I will receive Christ as my Savior.” He indeed is a b rig h t jewel. The fol­ lowing week we m et him and he testi­ fied to being happy in Jesus and surely showed it. A F ru itfu l V isit On ano ther visit to th is same camp th ree young men sat before us really hungry for the Good News, and after we gave one of them a Testam ent, we had them r.ead such passages as John 3:36, 5:24, and 1 John 5:9-13, and for

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