King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S sation. The next step was his appear­ ance a t the Fisherm en Club and th e ndfas th a t he had definitely confessed' Jesu s as Savior. When we spoke to him a few nights ago, he looked up from th e Book w ith a changed face, saying, “ I ’m tracing th e blood through th e Old Testam ent and it’s growing b rig h ter.” We are sure th a t th is young man will prove an effective dnd strong w itness for our risen Lord. A Church Member Converted >'■Our fou rth case was th a t of a church member in good standing, seeking to attain a righteousness ap a rt from re­ generation, try ing to live a Christian life w ithout ever having accepted the Lord Jesus. Coming into Biola Hall, he fell into the hdnds of one who pa­ tien tly and faith fu lly took him through th e Word of God un til all his false hopes were sh attered and he learned it was sinners Jesus came to save; th a t the Lord takes up none b u t th e forsaken; makes none healthy b u t the sick; gives sight to none b u t th e blind; makes none alive bu t the dead; sanctifies none bu t sinners; gives wisdom to none bu t the foolish. Taking his tru e place as such, the ligh t shone in darkness, and now saved, God lias called him to service in foreign lands and he is only waiting for marching orders. SHOP WORK M. H. REYNOLDS, S u p t. Many times we have Deen asked whether or not we really see men step out from among th e men in the shops with whom they worK, and accept Jesus as a personal Saviour. Thank God, we can say, “Yes,” to this question, and add that, if we did not, we would certainly endeavor to find the reason why; just as the farmer would, if after planting a crop of wheat he did not in due course of tim e see the wheat coming through the ground. One of the most encouraging things in our work among the shop men, is to see the wonderful way in which God has been, by His miraculous power, working in thfeir midst. For years we have been praying that we might, as we reach the unsaved in the shops, also awaken the Christian men to their responsibility, not only toward those who have come out, but also to those who are unsaved. Recent­ ly, however, we have seen a very de­ finite answer to our prayer at one of the shops, a picture of which may help you to see how wonderfully God is working.

566 Lord during th e past month, th e re stand o u t four men as distinct types which we have chosen to bring before our readers a t this time. The first is an Episco­ palian. This young man came in, seek­ ing ligh t concerning th e heavenly bodies. Our nearest neighbor a t n igh t on Main S tre et is a man who seeks for the small (?) sum of one dollar to make plain the past, present and fu tu re failures and successes of any one under th e sun who has th e price. F o rtun ately for th is young man, our neighbor had not ap­ peared th a t night, and m istaking Biola H all charts for th e plan of the planets; he paused and made inquiry, became in­ terested and stayed to th e finish, being led to a definite faith in th e Lord Jesus by Whom were “ all things created th a t are in heaven and th a t are in earth , visible and invisible.” The Sword of th e Spirit Works Number two was a seemingly moral young man, seeking through his mor­ ality combined w ith education and phil­ anthropy, to gain etern al life. Apply­ ing the sword of th e Spirit, which is th e Word of God, he was finally brought face to face w ith Romans 3:19: “Now we know th a t w hat things soever' the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law : th a t every mouth may be stopped, and all th e world may become guilty before God,” and was convinced th at, “Doing is a deadly thing, Doing ends in d eath .” and afte r one look a t th e crucified Son of God, he passed from death into life. A Hard-Boiled Hebrew Number th ree was a Hebrew lad. My, b u t he was a “ hard-boiled” one! Steeped in Bolshevism, always con­ spicuous among th e gang who, like birds of prey,, are constantly endeavor­ ing to catch away th e good seed sown from Biola entrance. This young man was rabid, filthy w ithin and w ithout, one of th a t element which is increas­ ingly a menace to our government, bu t he came and kep t coming un til one evening he sneaked inside and, discover­ ing a New T estam ent in Yiddish, began reading while we began- praying. T h at was th e beginning. He soon became a regu lar visitor, always digging into th e Book, often for an hour or two, later slipping out w ithout a word to any one. Occasionally we would speak a word to him, b u t ju st k ep t our hands off and prayed. A fter a few weeks he asked for a Bible in Yiddish and his pleased expression was ample compen-

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