King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


A Thrilling Testimony In th is shop for several weeks God has been carrying th e message home in pow- ' e r to the salvation of a number of the men, praise His name! So with a view to reaching some of the Christians the suggestion was made to those who had accepted Jesus to tell their fellow-work­ ers about it. The day was set and the meeting commenced as usual. Special music from the quartet held the atten­ tion until the announcement was made th a t some of their own number wished to say a few words. Immediately a young man dressed in working clothes jumped to his feet and commenced to tell them of a Saviour who could not only save but who could keep. To make it a little stronger, he said, “See these fingers yellow with nicotine? You men know what- I used to do with tobacco. Some of you have come and said, ‘Give me a smoke,’ and I have told you why I couldn’t. But for those who haven’t, asked me and wish to know, I want to say th a t I can’t be­ cause I have accepted Jesus as a person­ al Saviour and He has taken any desire for such things out of my life, and I want to recommend Him to you.” After this thrilling testimony another man rose to his feet and told of his decision to accept Jesus as a personal Saviour and • nis desire to walk w ith Him day by day, urging th a t others do likewise. After this testimony came the time for God to answer our prayer. Here were others who years before had taken the same stand. Were they going to sit there silent or would they be moved by the power of God to say a word for Jesus a their fellow men? It was a moment of great importance to the work in th at shop and God moved. As the opportun­ ity was given for those who wished to testify, ovier twenty-five men rose to th eir feet and said th a t they had ac­ cepted Jesus as a personal Saviour and wanted to add th eir testimony to the others th a t Jesus saves and keeps, and th a t they wanted to live as He would have them live. Does shop work pay? Yes! As we preach the Word and see men being saved, we say, “It can’t help but pay.” The burden for those men grows heavier and heavier and we pray th at God will raise up those who will give of their means and also take time to pray for this wonderful work. If you care to have a share in this g reat work, send us your name th at we may put you on the list of those who are praying for the work

in the shops and th a t we may let you know of th e special needs. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.”

DR. D IXON ’S WORK Maijy of our readers will enjoy “swinging around the circle” w ith Dr. A. C. Dixon, who has had a remarkable m inistry in contending for the funda­ mentals in many g reat Bible confer­ ences. After closing his series of lectures at the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, Dr. Dixon went to Rochester, N. Y. for a two days’ conference a t “The Gospel Center.” A. G. Slaghtr is superintendent of this work which seeks to aid all evan­ gelical churches. Mr; Slaght, about a year ago, took up th e superintendency of the Rochester Rescue Mission, but the Church Federation, which was in con­ trol, was not in sympathy with his stand for a whole Bible, and withdrew their support. This rallied a group of strong business men who are true to th e funda­ mentals of the Christian faith and the Gospel Center movement was organized. They _have an auditorium seating 1200. Dr. Dixon’s audiences were large.- ' At Syracuse, N. Y. At Syracuse, N. Y., a two weeks’ con­ ference was held w ith the Southern P resbyterian Church of which Dr. John Maclnnis is pastor, and the Delaware Baptist Church, Dr. A. B. Sears, pastor. There were large audiences both after­ noon and evening. Many pastors of the city and surrounding country took ad­ vantage of th e meetings. The second week, a business men’s lunch was held each noon, and the men arranged for visitation work among the unsaved per­ sons for prayer and effort. At New York Dr. Dixon then ,visited New York City at the invitation of the Baptist Minis­ ters’ Conference. Five addresses were given in Hanson Place Baptist Church at 5:30 P.M. for m inisters and each evening an evangelistic sermon was preached. Dr. Dixon was for ten years pastor of this church, and though it was twenty years since he left Brooklyn for Boston, he was greeted by many friends who were still tru e to the Gospel. A week was spent in a Bible confer­ ence at th e Baptist Temple,. Brooklyn. ' Dr. J. C. Massee, pastor. Dr, Dixon de­ clares th a t he found it easier to win people to Christ in New York than in any other great city in th e world. He

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