King's Business - 1921-06

Invest Your Influence! (Money Is Not the Only Thing to Invest)

YOU ARE A SUBSCRIBER or reader of The King’s Business. YOU HAVE BEEN HELPED by its message.

HUNDRED S o f p eo p le w rite u s of th e h elp received. O FTEN ONE CO PY has revo lu tion ized a life. W H Y NOT h elp some- one else? USE YOUR INFLUENCE to g e t SUBSCRIBERS M ake it a la b o r of love fo r th e M aster. You will n ev e r know p e rh a p s w h a t will ev en tu a te from SECURING ONE SUBSCRIBER It’s Not Your Money—It’s YOU We Want YOUR TEST IMONY w ill secure others. It costs subscribers STOP RIGHT HERE AND PRAY ABOUT IT! Y ou c an b e a blessing to o th ers b y using yo u r influence. THE KING’S BUSINESS is pub lished a t a loss in cash b u t it is a g re a t inv e stm en t fo r G od . If you a re w illing to help o th ers w ith yo u r influence sign th e slip a tta c h e d an d m ail to us an d w e will send you som e helpful suggestions on H ow to Use Y ou r ( Not M o n ey ) _ INFLUENCE. 2 CENTS A WEEK LESS THAN

M anager The King’s Business,

536 So. H ope Street, Los Angeles, Cal. I would like to use my influence for T he King’s Business.

Name ......................... .................. —........——................................... -......


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