King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


clipping from a B ritish daily paper con­ cerning th e man who was a t th e head of th e Association, Sir J. P. Maclay, who is also a t th e head of th e Shipping Min­ istry for th e Empire. A fter giving some statistics as to th e saving to th e B ritish Empire which had been effected by rea­ son of th e careful managem ent of the Shipping Controller, th e article goes on to say: “The figures show in an undeniable form how th e colossal feat of manage­ m ent has been carried to a trium ph an t success. How was it done? By th e foresight and resolution of th e Ministry of shipping, of which Sir Joseph Mac- lay was th e head. It fell to th e lo t of a man who lives his life in accordance w ith th e doctrine of th e Shorter Catechism, a Presby­ te rian dyed in th e wool— both as to profession and practice,— to adm inister th e g reatest business a t sea ever con­ trolled by a single individual and to save millions for th e State. The nation will be g ratefu l to him for a b rillian t service well perform ed.” Evidently Sir Joseph Maclay is equally successful w hether engaged in th e busi­ ness of his king, or of t h e ' King of kings! Mr. Nicholson w rites as follows: H e’s a Busy Irishm an “ I ’ve been working a t express speed since I w rote you la st and enjoying every m inute and m ile of th e way. God has been graciously blessing and an ­ swering prayer. I was in Gowan Church for two weeks. Over two hun­ dred came out for Christ in one week. Then the Wynd Church for two weeks. The la st n igh t th e re twenty-five came ou t for Christ before th e sermon. I have been in B ethany H all (seating 1500) for th e past two weeks. God is wonderfully blessing here. This church is in th e center of a large industrial, drunken, section of th e city. Every n igh t we are marching and singing and preaching through th e streets and sin­ ners are being converted. I ’ll be h ere in Glasgow all th e re st of th e month. Then, during April, in th e Seamen’s Bethel. Then I ’m finished w ith th e Association here and go over to Ireland again for May to a big linen m anufacturing town called Portadown. All th e churches th e re are uniting. Then re tu rn to Scotland for a te n t mis­ sion in June,— then, homeward bound for th e land of blue skies and sunny days, reaching California about th e end of A ugust.”

would like to spend several months in th a t great center, in soul winning work. At Huntington, Virginia Two weeks’ services a t Huntington, Va. followed. The meetings started in th e F ifth Avenue Baptist Church, but before the first week ended, a union meeting was arranged, all evangelical pastors in sympathy. The daily press published th e sermons in full. The may­ or of the city was a regular attendant. A prom inent merchant, a Jew, took a public stand for Christ. At Ft. Worth and Dallas Dr. Dixon was next w ith Dr. J. Frank Norris a t Ft. Worth, Texas, where he spoke to five thousand people in the closing session of a Bible conference. A week of Bible lectures a t the F irst Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas, was next. Two addresses a day were given to large audiences. The man of com­ manding influence in Dallas is Geo. W. T ruett, who has been pastor of the F irst Baptist Church there for twenty-four years and has by his loyal devotion to Christ, his unbroken faith in the Scrip­ tures, his powerful soul winning preach­ ing, and his unselfish service, gained the highest place in th e esteem and love, not only of his church, but of all the peo­ ple. At New Orleans Dr. Dixon will conduct a two weeks’ evangelistic campaign in New Orleans, all Baptist churches uniting. The meet­ ings will be held in the Coliseum Church because of its large auditorium. Prof. L. O. Sellers of the Bible Insti­ tute, will lead the singing, assisted by a chorus choir, and the students of the Institute are to take an active p art in the, work. The readers of this Magazine (and this means YOU) are earnestly request­ ed to pray for a genuine evangelical re­ vival in this great city so largely domin­ ated by Roman Catholic influence. At Los Angeles Dr. Dixon will be in Los Angeles in October, giving special lectures to the In stitu te students and occupying the pulpit of the Church of th e Open Door. NEWS FROM NICHOLSON A recent le tte r from our good brother, Rev. W. P. Nicholson, who has been holding evangelistic meetings in Glas­ gow, Scotland, under th e auspices of an Evangelistic Association, encloses a

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