King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S WHY PRAY FOR ISRAEL? 1. Because of th e close relationship between Israel and th e tru e church. Romans 9:1-5; 10 :1 ; 11:11. 2. Because of God’s command, w ith special prom ises of blessing. Genesis 12 :3 ; Psalm 122:6; Isaiah 62:6, 7. 3. Because Israel is still beloved by God for th e fath e rs’ sakes. Jerem iah 3 1 :3 ; Romans 11:28. 4. Because it is God’s will th a t a l l' Israel shall be saved. Isaiah 12:1-6; Matthew 23:37; Romans 11:23-32. 5. Because of th e tribu lation testi­ mony out of Israel afte r th e rap tu re of th e church. Matthew 2 4 :9 -l‘4; Revela­ tion 6 :9 ; 7:1-8. 6. Because of th e g reat m u ltitud e to be saved through th e ir m inistry. Rom­ ans 11:25; Revelation 7:9-17. 7. Because no m illennial blessings can come to th e nations a p a rt from Israel. Acts 15:16, 17; Romans 11: 11-15. 8. Because of Israel’s national awak­ ening, w ith . sorrow and distress, show­ ing th a t th e ir redemption draw eth nigh. Daniel 12 :1 ; Luke 21:24-31. —Norman H. Camp. Jonathan Edwards, in his diary of Da­ vid Brainerd, says th a t this apostle to the Indians for some tim e thought th a t the best way to make men sober was by preaching to them th e attributes of God, and keeping the Cross in the background. But he found th e whole thing a failure; he could not produce one sober man. “Then,” he says, “I bethought me th a t I would go and preach Jesus Christ; and many a hard face relaxed, many an eye shed tears th a t had never wept before, and I found th a t the best way to make men sober was to make them sp iritu al;” and from th a t time he gloried in and held forth nothing but the Cross. sfe HINTS FOR PREACHERS Nothing But the Cross

572 Nor to act selfishly.— Gal. 5 :13 ; 1 Pet. 2:16. No law against rig h t living.^—Gal. 5:22, 23. Liberty implies obligations We are to continue therein.— Jas. 1:25. We are to stand fast therein.-—-Gal. 5:1. We will he judged by its law.— Jas. 2:12.-|§F. s. Shepard. SEVEN THREE-SIXTEENS 1. The Love of God. (John 3 :1 6 ). 2. The Work of God. (1 John 3 :1 6 ). 3. The People of God. (O. T .) (Mai. 3 :1 6 ). 4. The People, of God. (N. T .) (Col. 3 :1 6 ). 5. The Son of God. (Matt. 3 :1 6 ). 6. The Word of God. (2 Tim. 3 :1 6 ). 7. The Judgm ent of God. (Eccles. 3 :1 6 ). — John Meek. SEVEN “TILL HE COMES” 1. “Be P atie n t.” (Jam es 5 :8 ). Suffering. 2. “Occupy.” (Luke 19 :13 ). Service. 3. “Hold P a st.” (Rev. 2 :2 5 ). Steadfastness. 4. “Remember Him.” (1 Cor. 11:23-26). The Supper. 5. “W ait for your Lord.” (Luke 12 :36 ). The Servant. 6. “Looking” for Him. (T itus 2 :1 3 ). The Saviour. 7. “Be F a ith fu l.” (Rev. 2 :1 0 ). Sincerity. “A L ittle While.” (Heb. 10 :37 ). —-John Meek. SEVEN BR IEF BIBLE PRAYERS 1. Save Me. (Ps. 6 :4 ). 2. Search Me. (Ps. 139 :23 ). 3. Sanctify Me. (Num. 20:12; 18 :14 ). 4. Show Me. (Exod. 33:13, 18). 5. Send Me. (Isa. 6 :8 ). 6. Suffer Me. (Matt. 8 :21 ). 7. S trengthen Me. (Ju d g es 16:28; Ps. 119 :28 ). — John Meek.

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